Thursday, October 22, 2015

What the Hell is a Gigawatt???

14,556 words.  And I haven’t even done my writing for today yet.

As it turns out, my portable keyboard is one of the best investments I’ve ever made.  Work has been terrible, and I’ve had to skip lunch and stay late for the past two days in a row.  But by writing whenever I’m on the metro I’ve managed to not only meet my daily goals, but exceed them. 

There was one day in the past week where writing was like pulling teeth.  Aside from that, it’s been pretty smooth.  I’m writing a character who is arguably the most or the second-most evil in the entire series, and it’s really fun inserting him into my characters’ lives.  Sometimes it’s tough, too, as I’ve got to constantly ask myself how he would act, what he would do.  It means getting in his head, which is a scary place to be.

Not much else to report.  Work on the book has been really helping me get through the day…even if I don’t work on it until I’m on my way home.  Still, it lets me do something creative, and helps keep my spirits up (or at least from totally crashing).  I’m excited to see how it turns out  :}

Working Title: Damnatio Memoriae
Word Count: 14,556
Writing Mode: Persevering

Friday, October 16, 2015

It Goes

Keeping up with the daily writing, and chipping away at that deficit.  I even bought a mini-keyboard that I can use to write on the train...managed to do 260 words that way between last night and this morning's commutes, so now I only owe 265 words.

Still need to do my writing for today, but overall I'm feeling fairly positive about my progress on the book.  I'm worried the beginning needs a little tightening, and the relationship between Bryn & Mer a little emphasizing, but I guess I can fix that in post.

Also, I just followed up with another agency regarding my submission.  If you have to follow up you pretty much know you're going to get rejected; still, never hurts to try.

Anyway, must get back to my job.  Miles to go before I sleep.

In more ways than one.

Working Title: Damnatio Memoriae
Word Count: 10,849
Writing Mode: I broke 10k!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hope Clouds Observation

It’s been a rough week or so.  I missed another day of writing due to skipping lunch, then caught a wicked cold and was too sick to do anything but lay on the couch and moan all weekend.  I am, therefore, 714 words in the hole. 

However, I haven’t done today’s writing yet…maybe I’ll be able to chip away at what I owe a little bit.  I also managed to do 790 words yesterday, and I bought a secondhand bluetooth keyboard so that I can write on the train.  Hopefully I’ll be able to get right back on track. 

I’m fairly pleased with the way the book is going so far.  It’s been almost unnervingly easy to write; I’m choosing to put this down to allowing the story to percolate for so long, rather than blaming it (probably more correctly) on crummy writing.  Still, Mer is already starting to demonstrate some of the character changes that will define her throughout the course of this book.  Additionally, I’m about to finally introduce the bad guy, which should be fun to write (until it’s not, but more on that later).

In other writing news, my submission to Poetry Magazine just got rejected.  I’m not surprised—it’s a very prestigious magazine.  Still, it’s tough.  Sometimes I feel like just one person showing even a modicum of interest in my work would be enough to give me hope.  However, hope, as the reverend mother noted, isn’t always a good thing.

Still, as the Klingons say, bIlujlaHbe'chugh bIQaplaHbe'.

Working Title: Damnatio Memoriae
Word Count: 9,393
Writing Mode: reH 'eb tu'lu'

Monday, October 5, 2015

WightCrow’s Everyday Life

I got my 500 in today.  Actually, it was 619, but who’s counting?

Oh, that’s right, me.  I’m counting.

Since the last time I posted, I’ve written 2,266 words.  That’s 234 shy of what I should have, but I skipped one day altogether because work has been busy.   It’s only going to get busier, but I’m trying not to skip any more.  And I’ll make up the 234…I’m slowly chipping away at it.  Piece by piece.

Not sure what else there is to say.  Things still feel hopeless, but I’m done with work for the day, and that’s something.

Working Title: Damnatio Memoriae
Word Count: 7,373
Writing Mode: Dutiful