Thursday, May 31, 2012

Though I Write 10,000 Words...


Yes, that's right: I've officially written 10,065 words. I know that's not that many...but I am super stoked!

I spent the afternoon writing 1,355 words. Added to the 834 I wrote this morning that makes 2,189 words: 1,689 over my 500-per-day goal, and enough to wipe clean my debt, with 778 words to spare. That's AWESOME...especially as I won't be able to write at all this weekend. I'll be spending every spare moment prepping for the Art Show.

Anyway, I'm going to get going. My boss let me out early, and I wanna run my my mum's place (she bought me a light for my room) before heading over to continue set-up.


Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 10,065
Writing Mode: Super Successful!

Speedy Gonzales

Woo, crankin' it out today! I was in a writing mood when I got home last night, but passed out almost immediately. I hadn't brought my computer home anyway, so no real loss. I guess the mood held, though, because I began writing here at work as soon as I finished my morning report. My wordcount thus far? 834! That's today's 500 in the bag, plus 334 from my debt...only 911 more to go!

I can't really congratulate myself too much. Just before starting this blog I spent an entire day researching different religions, then creating new derivative religions to use in my story. I also plotted out several shows, companies, and other aspects of the story. Today's writing has mostly had to do with religion, and thus it was more or less plug-and-play. Still, I'm excited :D

I am in desperate need of coffee, however. I can't have any, as my office has been out of sugar for weeks (grumblegrumblegrumble), but I might whip up a cup of tea with honey. I also haven't eaten, and there's a whoopie pie* in the fridge with my name on it.

Off to feed and caffeinate myself...back later, perhaps, with another writing update!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 8,694
Writing Mode: Crankin'!

*If you don't know what a whoopie pie is, for the love of all that is good and holy plan a vacation to Maine and get yourself one. Seriously. Perhaps with an ice-cold Moxie. NOM!

Your whoopie pie won't be as excellent as mine, though, because mine was made from scratch by my mum :}

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Good Luck???

Managed to squeeze out 592 words today, despite it being a busy day. That's today's 500, plus 92 from my debt. Only 1,245 to go!

Anyway, I would have written much more, but I got an email from a friend that knocked me off my rocker. A film position just opened up in NYC!!! It's only a three-week job, but it might help me get my foot in the door (and, hopefully, permanent work in the industry)!

...I'd probably have to quit my full-time job to take it, though. Terrifying.

So that's it for now! Off to set up for the Art Show. Ta!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 7,851
Writing Mode: Done for the day! Daydreaming about NYC!!!

Click, Click, BOOM!

I came into work today with every intention of working on my story as soon as I had settled in. As soon as I had settled in; ay, there's the rub. For while settling in--while reading the news after finishing my morning report--I managed to infect my work computer with some deadly virus.

Remember the days when you could get a virus and still live with it? Yes, it was slowly infecting your computer, but you could finish what you were doing before leisurely strolling over to the IT department? Evidently those days are gone. In the time it took me to walk down the hall and bring back my boss, the vile virus had shut down all programs, disabled the keyboard, and terminated access to the internet. My boss was very pleased.

Fortunately he killed this virus for one of our clients yesterday, so hopefully I should be back up and running soon. 'Till then, maybe I'll go make a cup of tea...and consider investing in a Mac.

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 7,258
Writing Mode: Stalled due to stupidity

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

If I Look Back, I Am Lost

Made some progress today! 663 words: that's today's 500, plus 163 of the 1,500 I owe myself from the holiday weekend. Only 1,337 to go (not counting tomorrow's 500). L33t!

Get it? L33t because it's cool, and because I've 1337 words to go. I win.

Aaaanyway, I'm going to cook some dinner, watch the end of Flatliners, catch an episode of The Big Bang Theory, and maybe write some more. Or fall asleep. Either way ;}

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 7,258
Writing Mode: Semi-successful!

Write, You Fool!

Honestly, what kind of idiot begins a writing project with daily deadlines just before a holiday weekend??? I had a lovely weekend hanging out with my mum (except for several not-so-lovely hours on Sunday when I discovered two wasp nests on the ceiling of my apartment), but got zero writing done. I did apply for 10 new jobs, putting me up to 190 applications since January 1. That does not help my writing deadlines, however.

Gotta get working--I'm WAY behind! More later...if my fingers haven't fallen off.

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 6,595
Writing Mode: Preparing to start contemplating initiating the beginning of today's writing. Blah.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Hello world!

My name is Amy, and I am writing this blog in a (probably futile) attempt to keep myself on track whilst writing my latest story. The self-explanatory title of this blog (which I am, nevertheless, going to explain) refers to my self-imposed goal of writing an average of 500 words per day for an entire year. This would give me a total of 182,500 words at the end of a year; in other words, a decent beginning. Hopefully I'll be able to do more than that!

So, in an effort to keep you abreast and apprised, I am writing a story (can I call it a novel yet?) about a somewhat dystopian society (what, me? Normally I'm so peppy and chipper...go figure). I am currently 6,595 words in, and am hoping to reach 7,000 by the end of the day. Considering it's 1.21 on a Friday afternoon, and I'm working, and I have a headache, and I'm meeting up with some old Oxford buds tonight for drinks and fun and delicious ice cream...

...I seem to have gotten somewhat lost here. Where was I? Oh yes, excuses. Weak.

7k is my goal, and I must bustle off now in pursuit of it! Inspiratione fugit, persequar!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer
Word Count: 6,595
Writing Mode: Distracted (hence this blog!)