Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tomorrow We Will Run Faster

I once took a test which told you out of all the literary characters in the world which you would be.  Ignoring only the question on gender, I made my way through the test. 

Pages of questions later I was ready to receive my result.  I clicked next, and was given my answer...

Jay Gatsby.

I'm no millionaire genius, nor am I hung up on some chick who can't be bothered to care for her child (or take any real part in her own life).  Still, Gatsby and I do share some similarities.  Both sailors, both poor.  Both nearly destroyed by one relationship.  Both almost--but not quite--Oxford (wo)men.  Both driven towards success, yet repulsed by the party culture in which the successful live. 

Above all, both obsessed with the green light.

For Gatsby, this was Daisy; but more than that, it was the wealth, the power, and the sense of belonging that old money seemed to enjoy. 

For me, it is writing.

I have other loves: film, for example, and gifted education, and travel.  But being able to call myself a writer is something I want more than anything else in the world.

My friend once said something that stuck with me.  I was with him at a party, introducing him as a tattoo artist.  He corrected me, saying he was just a tattooist.  I asked what he meant...what the difference was.  He said:

"Anyone can pick up a tattoo gun and ink someone...that doesn't make you a tattoo artist.  Being a tattoo artist is something that takes time, and talent, and real artistry.  It's something you earn.  Until I feel like I've earned it I don't want to call myself a tattoo artist."

This resonated with me.  I've met a million people who scribble down half a short story or a prosaic sonnet and call themselves writers.  And if that works for them, so be it.  But I don't want to call myself a writer until I truly feel like I've earned it.  Until I'm holding Traditor in my hands, with Damnatio Memoriae on the way, I'll always refer to myself as an aspiring writer.

And on that note, I'm going to go do a little research on literary agencies...just in case The Blair Partnership doesn't get back to me (or does, and answers no).

Good night you princes of Maine, you kings of New England.

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Damnatio Memoriae
Word Count: 140
Writing Mode: Dozy, but driven

Friday, June 28, 2013

Expecto Patronum

So I'm starting to get a little nervous.

It's been 6 weeks and I still haven't heard back from The Blair Partnership.  I know I have two more weeks before they said I should hear...but I feel like the fact that I've yet to be contacted is not a good sign.

Going to try to convince myself that they're just super busy and haven't had time to look over my submission...

Anyway, still mired in the ceaseless slog of editing.  It's actually not that bad...I've managed to get through 5,522 words this week, and may work on it a bit this weekend, too.  I have visions of myself camped out on the grass, laying on a blanket, editing happily in the sunshine...

...just so long as I remember my pepper spray...

Anyway, editing may not be the most fascinating thing in the world, but it has its upsides.  I'm getting to re-read the book and finding that it's not as hopeless a cause as I'd originally assumed.  I've been able to tweak the characters, aligning them more closely with the people in my head (writing is just schizophrenia on paper), and am cutting or completely re-writing the scenes I wasn't sure about on the first pass.  It's almost like I'm a sculptor, carving through the rough stone to discover an unknown form beneath. 

Not necessarily a GOOD form, but we'll see.


Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Damnatio Memoriae
Word Count: 100ish
Writing Mode: Hellz yeah I started a new book!  #booktwo #brynandmerftw #caveatlector

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Awards, and Good Press; Write Well and Publish

Writing: the final frontier.  These are the voyages of the starship Traditor.  It's continuing mission: to explore strange new words, to seek out new plots, and new characterizations, to boldly go where no tale has gone before!

Aloha once again, fearless readers.  I figure it's been long enough that I probably owe you another blog post, and so here we are. 

If I blog less now than I did when I got started it's probably because not as much changes when you're editing.  Yes, I might change some words, cut out an extra paragraph here and there, or even tweak an entire character, but it's nowhere near as exciting as discovering a new twist as you're writing, or finally getting to put down a long-planned plot point.  Editing's just...editing

That being said, I did realize that an upcoming scene needs to be completely re-written.  First I'm gonna hack out about half of the time that Bryn & Mer spend at Dissenter HQ, and then I'm changing their flight into the wilderness so that Mer has a much more active role.  Right now both she and Bryn are a little passive, but with a few tweaks Mer'll be able to show a glimpse of the strong, active character she will turn out to be.

As for the publishing front, pretty much everything's the same there, too.  I have just over 3 weeks until I'm supposed to hear back from the agent I solicited.  I've started checking my email several times a day in hopes of a letter from them, even though I know that if they wanted me they would've probably already made contact.

I may start prepping a submission package for another agent, just in case.  I'm actually allowed to submit to multiple agents according to the first agent's guidelines, but I thought that, at least for the first time I send it out, I'd rather give it to them exclusively. 

(Probably a terrible decision, and a waste of time, but so it goes)

Anyway, I just wanted to jot off a quick post...I've got 20 minutes left of my lunch break and I think I'll use it to keep on chipping away at Traditor.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Do the Write Thing

Hello again, fearless readers!

It's a gorgeous sunny day, and as I'm supposed to be meeting my coworker on the 9th floor balcony for lunch I've decided to hold of editing (for now) and write a blog post instead.  I'm already out here, eating Indian food and crisping up a bit in the sun.  Everyone in the office seems to think I come out here for the tan...really it's for the fresh air, the free vitamin D, and to get the hexagon out from under the fluorescent lights.

Anyway, I ought to give an update on Bryn & Mer.  I've been working on editing slowly but surely, aiming for an average of 5,000 words per week.  I've been doing that easily, but it still doesn't seem to be going fast enough.  I'm just going to have to keep plugging along, telling myself that it'll get done eventually. 

I have another issue, however.  I'm working on cutting the story down a bit, but am having trouble deciding exactly what to cull.  I came across a bit last week that I could probably lose; however it provides a bit of background, and clarifies the characters' world for the reader.  I recently read a quote by some author, however, saying that most backstory is unnecessary.  Hum...

What I really need, honestly, is a reader.  Somone who'll go through my story from an outsider's perspective, telling me what's good, what's bad, and what makes me sound like an emo middle school scribbler.  I've thought about joining a writing group here in DC, but I'd like to find one that's fairly respectable, hopefully with at least one or two fairly practiced writers.  I'm also a bit concerned about copyright--what if someone steals my work?  I guess between the submissions I've sent out, the long email chain with various drafts, and this blog I could probably prove it was mine, however.

Anyway, just got a text from Lemon, the girl I was supposed to be meeting for lunch.  She's bailed, so I'll stop blogging for now and do a little editing instead.

Good night, and good luck.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sic Semper Cotidianam


All writing-related things seem to be stuck in a holding pattern lately.  I've submitted my book to an agent, but won't hear back for ages (July 14th, not that I'm counting).  I also just sent out a Sherlock Holmes short story called The Gift of Abu to The Strand Magazine...not sure when (or if) I'll be hearing back from them. 

As for writing, I'm still working on editing my novel.  I'm fairly far along, but it's nowhere near as satisfying as actually writing.  I've been thinking about maybe starting on my next book in my free time...but then I feel like I should focus on editing this one as much as possible.  Conundrum.

Plus editing time is becoming harder and harder to find.  I usually edit at lunch, but between one thing and another my lunches have not been my own lately.  I'm going to try to set aside a fair part of the afternoon on Saturday for editing, though.

Anyway, at least I've got a novel and a short story out there.  Hopefully one or both will get picked up.

In non-writing-related news, this whole job thing is killing me.  I've had a couple of talks with people at my work recently, and they've all more or less said that there's no future there unless you go out, become an expert in some field, and then come back in.  Otherwise, they tell me, you get stuck in low-rung admin/assistant roles forever. 


I've been looking for other jobs, but this is complicated by my newfound desire to only apply for jobs I don't think I'd hate.  As it turns out, such jobs are few and far between.  I applied for foreign service, but I'm too close to the upcoming test to get a good date, and thus will probably have to wait until September.  I may apply to teach English abroad, but I've still got to look into what programs/countries seem interesting.  I was thinking about picking up a class as an adjunct professor, but that has turned out to be much more problematic than anticipated. 

All in all, I'm a little lost.  Plus between not getting my full tax refund and trying to keep up with the expense of living in a city (yet driving constantly out to the burbs) I'm flat broke.  At this rate I'll have to pick up shifts as a waitress/at the movie theater.  Sigh.

Anyway, I guess I should get back to my desk.  Ciao.