Monday, January 28, 2013

Crescit Eundo

I really, REALLY need to go to bed.  I was even tired tonight...possibly because I hardly slept at all last night.  Or, you know...throughout the last week in general.


It's been a rough week.  Work is incredibly stressful at the moment, and probably will be until the second week of February.  I'm still brokeish from Christmas, and have been having a bit of an existential crisis in my personal life.  Fun fun fun. 

Despite all of this (or perhaps because of it) I'm still keeping up with my writing.  I was a bit behind from one day last week (I skipped one day to have lunch with coworkers) but made it up today.  In addition, I completely re-edited the original scene I wrote for the book, which actually occurs fairly late in the story.  I had to tweak it to work with the earlier events I'd written, and still have to go back and fiddle with one of the characters as he appears in the beginning of the book.  So much editing to do, so little least until that far-off day when I finally finish the book.  Then instead of writing 500 words per day I'll be editing 500 words per day. fun fun.

I'm coming up on a very interesting part, however, so when I'm less burned out (read: hopefully tomorrow after a good night's sleep) I'll have some really fun writing to do. 

And on that note, I'm going to (finally) be a good little worker bee and hit the hay.*


Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: 145,019
Writing Mode: Exhausted, yet pleased

*Most mixed metaphor of all time?  I think so.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Manuscript Reveals Their Lopsided Fate

Ugh...I am going to pay for being up so late tomorrow.

But it was for a good cause!

Just finished writing for today...and boy, was it a day for writing.  A day among days.

Today I killed my favorite character.

I will not say who it is (mostly because my buddy V is in the middle of what I've got so far and I promised I wouldn't spoil the surprise), but it was a wrench.  In fact, I might go back and add to the scene...though I kind of like how simple (and sudden) it is now.  Oh well.

Speaking of editing, I have so much to do that it's becoming daunting...and I haven't even finished the damn book yet.  Crazy! 

On the other hand, I've really enjoyed the editing I've done so far, so maybe it won't be so bad  :}

So yeah...that's all for now, folks.  I feel peppy but I can already tell that I'm gonna be destroyed when I wake up in exactly...4 hours.  UGH.

Good night, Neverland!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: 143,614
Writing Mode: If I didn't have work tomorrow I'd write right through the night!*

*That sounds like a writing charity event, or something from the very end of NaNoWriMo.  Write Through the Night: finish your book and support literacy at the same time!  $20 to a national literacy foundation for every hour you stay up past 12am!

It's late.  Good night all!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Want To Change The World? There's Nothing To It...

At lunch, just finished writing for the day, and am going to be late getting back to work if I don't run!  I guess what I'm saying is that, as always, this'll just be a quick post.

Anyway, my writing is going very smoothly lately.  All last week was pretty easy: kept up with my 500 every day, no making up necessary.  Same thing thus far this week.  I'm about to kill off a character, and am 93% excited, 6% sad, 4% philosophical, and 2% butterscotch ripple.  That's 105 percent!

...I'll assume that none of you got that reference and move on.

Anyway, I've been having trouble getting away from my writing lately.  It's all I think about...all I want to do.  Out with friends, having fun on the town, paying calls...I find my thoughts wandering back to my book.  The further along I get the harder it is to stop.  Soon I'll be writing morning, noon, and night!

Anyway, I was serious about having to go.  Ciao!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: ???
Writing Mode: Obsessive yet cock blocked by work

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Debating How We're Here, They're Catching Deer (We're Catching Viruses)'s ALIIIIIVEEEEEE!!!

Yes, that's right: I've managed to survive my latest sickness.  If only barely.

I swear, next year I'm going in for one of those nasal flu immunization things.  Sick twice in one season?  NOT FAIR!

Despite my most recent run-in with what I can only assume is the Black Death, I'm doing okay.  My cold has subsided into a mild cough that only troubles me when I laugh, which I'll take any day in place of the soul-crushing aching, migraines, coughing, stuffiness, sleepless nights, and general misery that plagued me over the past week.  Oh, I forgot one symptom: exhaustion.  Still haven't gotten rid of that one...if I didn't have so much to do I'd probably just pass out now.

...except then I'd miss Big Bang Theory.  That would be sadness.

So!  On to my writing.

It's going well, over all.  I'm ragged after the holiday season and all of my traveling, but I'm keeping up with my 500 words per day.  I gave myself both Christmas and New Year's Eve off, though I think I actually wrote enough to cover at least one of them.  Today I wrote 550 words, and am pretty pleased with what I've gotten.  After all, this is a sort of tricky part.  I feel like I say that all the time, now, but that's just because it's taking forever to get through one giant sticky part.  Anyway, I've got to somehow go from Mer being happy/grateful/relieved that Pilot is alive to confronting her about abandoning them in the first place.  Awkward.  I think I know how I'm gonna do it...but honestly, it's a little too 'Harry Potter circa book 5' for my liking.  Not big on angst.  Oh well.  Someone needs to tell Pilot off--she really has it coming--and that someone's got to be Mer.  It'll help Mer grow as a character, and also give Pilot the push she needs to complete her redemption. 

Blah, too convoluted!  Can't I just go back to writing sex scenes?

...Actually, please don't make me go back to that.  It was fun, but jesus was it difficult.  There's what I like to think of as the 'Sex-Scene Straddle.'  Basically, there's a fine, fine line (name that song!) between a love scene that's sappy/dull and one that's way over the top/fit for a porno.  If you can somehow straddle that line, dipping your toe into either camp without ever quite stepping in, then you might write a decent sex scene.  Yes, only decent.  I'm sure there's a way to write a good sex scene; but if there is, I haven't yet discovered it.

And so that's all for now, folks!  Time for me to toddle off into the shower.  Hopefully that'll only take an hour or so, after which I'll watch the Big Bang Theory, cook dinner, maybe make some guac, and then pass out.

Good night, sweet blog, parting is such sweet sorrow, that I may write good night 'till it be morrow.


Oh, who am I kidding?  Good night!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: 138,396
Writing Mode: Trudging along

Thursday, January 3, 2013

In Sickness & In Health...

So fun story...evidently the weariness and the achy wrists were not, in fact, simply a lack of sleep thing.  No, they were the precursors to a cold that hit with such violence that I spent an entire day just trying to convince myself that I wasn't dying.  I made it through that day, and am now (hopefully) on the mend...but juggling family time and writing was hard enough before I got sick.  Now it's just ridiculous!

Anyway, managed to squeeze out 743 words today.  Really, really slow going at first, but after 400 words or so I hit a rhythm, and was able to jot down Pilot's betrayal.  I may expand this section at a later time...but then again, maybe not.  For once I actually like the way it turned out!  The pacing is good--pretty fast, but still allowing time for Mer (and the reader) to work out that Pilot's not coming back.  The language was fun, too: I went with short, choppy sentences and really played with light/darkness.  It may actually be TERRIBLE, but I'm pretty happy with this section (at least for now.  When I start my editing, however, nothing shall be safe).

Anyway, that's enough self-aggrandizement for one evening.  Even though I did nothing it was a long day, and this stupid cold makes me feel like I haven't slept in a month.  I'm gonna go brush my teeth, take my sudafed, and try to sleep that I may live to write another day.  Good night you princes of Maine, you kings of New England!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: 136,490
Writing Mode: Plague-ridden