Saturday, October 6, 2012

That I Shall Say Good Night Till It Be Morrow

Crazy week, as always!  Of course, the fact that I'm blogging at 2.37 in the morning might be some indication.  Anyway, I've been keeping up with my 500 words per day--I've already written 2,670 this week, and I didn't even do any writing today!

What?  I'm a slacker, you say?  Don't judge me!  Look, I wanted to write, but my new co-workers were taking lunch, and I'm trying to make an effort to get to know them, and saying "no, sorry, I brought a sandwich and I'd rather write than spend lunch eating soy Pho and discussing work and politics" didn't seem like it'd fly.

(It ended up being kinda fun anyway.  Shh, don't tell!)

Anyway, I'm going to try to write more this weekend--really feeling antsy about skipping today--but at least I've met my weekly goal. 

One thing I probably will do tonight is go back and re-write a scene from the very beginning of the book.  It's a scene concerning a character who really has no presence in the first book, but will play a major part in book two.  I was a bit uncomfortable with the scene when I wrote it, and tonight (while pumicing my feet--the life of an aspiring writer is glamorous) I realized why.  He's in (or, spoiler alert, appears to be in) mortal danger during the scene, and I'm going to change the danger to correspond with a terrible misfortune that befalls him in the second book. seems odd to refer to death as a terrible misfortune.  Oh, whoops...spoiler alert!

As for life outside of the writing realm (as if such a thing even exists!), work is going as well as I suppose I had any right to expect.  Okay, not really...or at least, it's not going as well as, right or not, I hoped it would.  I process expenses, schedule, fiddle around with spreadsheets, order catering, and go to meetings all day long.  I'm fairly certain that my record thus far is five meetings in one day...but it may be more.

It's mindless but incredibly time-consuming work, and I've a scorching headache by the end of every day.  Too many hours spent holding in curses while glaring at the computer, I suppose.  At least the people are (for the most part) nice.  Like I said, I'm working my tail off to ingratiate myself. 

Oh, and there's a cute boy who works at the end of the hall.  I walk by him from time to time, but I don't think he'd be into me...I'm zaftig to the point of being downright Rubenesque, whereas he is an ultra marathoner.  Still, doesn't hurt to look!

Okay, I've got to get going if I'm going to scribble through that scene tonight.  Good night, good night!  Parting is such sweet sorrow!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor (it's still sort of bittersweet to write that...I think that Traditor is a better fit for this book, and I'm still using the prior title for book two, but it's so sad not to see Nosce Te Ipsum there  ;{  )
Word Count: 102,846
Writing Mode: Moderately successful, currently fighting exhaustion

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