Hello mes peuples!
Been doing a bit of writing this morning...just a quick half-scene, as I'm going out with my mum in a hot second for a birthday hang-out day! It might be cut short by one of her clients, but I suppose if that happens I'll have more time for writing.
Anyway, one thing I thought I'd talk about today is the title of this book. I've been calling it Nosce Te Ipsum, which, in Latin, means "know thyself." Roughly, anyway. However, I've not decided on the final title of this book, and so I thought I'd show you some of the titles I've been considering:
Book Names:
Book 1: Nosce Te Ipsum
Book 2:
Book 3: Sturm und Drang
Alternatively, maybe change 1 to Sturm und Drang and 3 to Tempus Fugit, or leave 1 as it is and name 3 Tempus Fugit…figure out at a later date.
Alternate order:
Nosce Te Ipsum
Sturm & Drang/Tempus Fugit/
Other possible names:
The Sound of the Surf
Land no More
Beyond the Shore/Beyond the Sure
Fairly certain, at this point, that Nosce Te Ipsum is actually going to be the title of the 2nd book. It's much more pertinent to that book's storyline than this one...and besides, Traditor is really, really perfect for the first book. Traditor is Latin, and it means, according to Wikipedia, "one who delivers."
Anyway, I must fly! Got to clean up and get dressed for my birthday date with mum. Au revoir!
Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: 100,472
Writing Mode: Excited to write what's next!
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