Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Death...Is Only The Beginning...


I am Lazarus, I am Neo, I am whatever other characters have come back from the dead.  Harry Potter!  I am Harry Potter!  But without the glasses and bizarre after-death dreams.

I haven't been keeping up well with this blog...and to the one whole reader I have: I am sorry.  Life has been insane, and I've had absolutely no time to document my writing.

That being said, I still AM writing!  I've been keeping up with my 500 per day, and have reached a grand total of 109,739 words! 

That hardly seems to have changed at all...but I guess that's what happens when you go from writing 2k per day to 500.  Le sigh.

Anyway, the story is developing nicely.  Bryn and Mer are tooling about in the woods on their way to a yet-undisclosed location where they will drop the chip.  This is an exciting part, as it'll be the great development of their relationship.  They'll bond, confide in each other, other fun things.  I'm looking forward to writing it  ;}~

I think I've probably got another 50k to go before the end of the story, though I'm not sure about that.  It might end up being much, much more, or it might be less.  Really just depends on how concise I am with my writing, and if I include or exclude this one section I've been contemplating.  I love it, but it might wait until the second book...or might go in this one.  Or maybe it'd be better in the next one.  Or...

Blah.  Too many decisions for a Wednesday.  Guess I'll just do what I've been doing: keep on writing and see how it turns out.

Anyway, my lunch break is up, but I wanted to jot out a little update before I returned to my cell desk.

Toodles mes peuples!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: 109,739
Writing Mode: Smooth, wishing for more time

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