I really, REALLY need to go to bed. I was even tired tonight...possibly because I hardly slept at all last night. Or, you know...throughout the last week in general.
It's been a rough week. Work is incredibly stressful at the moment, and probably will be until the second week of February. I'm still brokeish from Christmas, and have been having a bit of an existential crisis in my personal life. Fun fun fun.
Despite all of this (or perhaps because of it) I'm still keeping up with my writing. I was a bit behind from one day last week (I skipped one day to have lunch with coworkers) but made it up today. In addition, I completely re-edited the original scene I wrote for the book, which actually occurs fairly late in the story. I had to tweak it to work with the earlier events I'd written, and still have to go back and fiddle with one of the characters as he appears in the beginning of the book. So much editing to do, so little time...at least until that far-off day when I finally finish the book. Then instead of writing 500 words per day I'll be editing 500 words per day.
...fun fun fun.
I'm coming up on a very interesting part, however, so when I'm less burned out (read: hopefully tomorrow after a good night's sleep) I'll have some really fun writing to do.
And on that note, I'm going to (finally) be a good little worker bee and hit the hay.*
Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: 145,019
Writing Mode: Exhausted, yet pleased
*Most mixed metaphor of all time? I think so.
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