Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Manuscript Reveals Their Lopsided Fate

Ugh...I am going to pay for being up so late tomorrow.

But it was for a good cause!

Just finished writing for today...and boy, was it a day for writing.  A day among days.

Today I killed my favorite character.

I will not say who it is (mostly because my buddy V is in the middle of what I've got so far and I promised I wouldn't spoil the surprise), but it was a wrench.  In fact, I might go back and add to the scene...though I kind of like how simple (and sudden) it is now.  Oh well.

Speaking of editing, I have so much to do that it's becoming daunting...and I haven't even finished the damn book yet.  Crazy! 

On the other hand, I've really enjoyed the editing I've done so far, so maybe it won't be so bad  :}

So yeah...that's all for now, folks.  I feel peppy but I can already tell that I'm gonna be destroyed when I wake up in exactly...4 hours.  UGH.

Good night, Neverland!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: 143,614
Writing Mode: If I didn't have work tomorrow I'd write right through the night!*

*That sounds like a writing charity event, or something from the very end of NaNoWriMo.  Write Through the Night: finish your book and support literacy at the same time!  $20 to a national literacy foundation for every hour you stay up past 12am!

It's late.  Good night all!

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