Monday, February 11, 2013

Steer For The Deep Waters Only

...for we are bound where mariner has not dared to go
and we will risk the ship, ourselves, and all

I always seem to write these things awfully late in the evening...has anyone else noticed that?  Half the time it's because I've been writing and didn't finish up 'till late, and the other half of the time...

...well, the other half of the time I'm just lazy.

That has not been the reason for my even-longer-than-normal absence, however.  No, that was due to

Conference Season

The most evil time of the year, and one that I hope to weather more smoothly in the future.  I had a hand in 5 conferences over the span of two weeks...two of which I was coordinating.  I didn't take lunch, worked 12-hour days, and had to summon all of my kolinahr skillz to keep myself sane.  

As a result, I am behind on my writing.  I don't feel too badly, though...I'm only a little behind, and will probably be able to make it up over the next day or so.  Normally being at all behind makes me crazy...but after the last couple of weeks I'm willing to cut myself a little slack.

That being said, the book is coming along swimmingly!  That isn't to say that things have gotten any better for our heroes (hint: they haven't) but I just (FINALLY) got through a particularly slow and painful section.  Now I'm coming up on a scene that I've been DYING to write for MONTHS.  I'll have to make sure I get it right (and don't give in to my perpetual desire to s t r e t c h  e v e r y t h i n g  o u t), but I think it'll be fun to write.

Book stuff aside (pshaw, who wants to talk about book stuff on a blog dedicated to my book?) my friend Michelle is coming into town!  I'm super buzzed: we were at Oxford together, but then she decided (as punishment for my imitable awesomeness, I am forced to assume) to move into the very mouth of Mount Doom.  That's right, faithful readers: she moved to Texas.

Fortunately she has arranged an escape, and will be coming to DC (with my godson!) for about a month.  I am chuffed beyond belief  :}

Anyway, I'm going to try and catch up on some of my writing, so à bientôt!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: 149,312
Writing Mode: Sleeeeeepy.  Is tomorrow really Monday???

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