A stressful end to a stressful week.
I'm at what I like to call Stress Level Alpha: a stress level so high that my eye has started twitching and last night I wasn't able to sleep. Anyone who knows me knows that me not being able to sleep is like Peter Pan not being able to fly: it just isn't right. Or perhaps I'm turning into Peter Banning at last.
They say that bad things come in threes, and as much as I don't believe in bullshit like that, it seems to ring true. First and foremost, last night I found out that two of my very good friends are moving to Hawaii...by the end of the month. This is in addition to my other friend who's bailing for Portland (Oregon) sometime around the 20th. I'll miss them terribly...and I'm worried that I'll be stuck here, all alone, in a city I've been trying to escape for twenty years.
Secondly, my family is full of drama. My sister and mother are butting heads; and I, as usual, am stuck in the middle. I think that's what started the eye-twitching. I just need to keep everyone happy a few days more...
And, finally, I still haven't heard from my first-choice agent. It's not a surprise, really, but I'd almost rather just get the rejection than suffer through this interminable waiting. If I don't hear from them by Monday I'm allowed to send them a little email reminding them of my submission. I'm tempted, honestly, to send them a clip from the Abba song "Take a Chance on Me," as it'd be a funny way to express my desperation. Besides, then every time they heard it (and as long as it was stuck in their heads) they'd be reminded of me...
I'm trying to cut back on dreaming, but when I allow myself to dream I imagine receiving a letter from The Blair Partnership at the very last minute, congratulating me on being accepted by their agency and detailing marketing plans for my book. I've somehow gotten it into my head that if I can only find representation, everything else will be okay. Or at least on the path towards okay.
At least it'd be validation.
Anyway, none of this angst is going to further my writing. I'm 839 words into Damnatio Memoriae and over halfway done editing Traditor. I think that the editing will be much faster from here on out--at least, I hope it will. I feel like I really hit my writing stride after Bryn & Mer left Dissenter headquarters, and I've nearly edited to that point. There are several scenes I need to re-write, but I still hope to be done by Christmas--if not sooner.
And as for Damnatio Memoriae, I've spent hardly any time on it (839 words? Ppft, obviously). Still, what little I've written seems strong, and is a telling introduction to the story. I already have edits to what I've written, and I'm itching to write more, so I feel fairly certain that when I actually focus on DM it should progress swiftly.
Anyway, I have half a lunch break left, and I ought to use it to get in a little more editing.
In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Damnatio Memoriae
Word Count: 839
Writing Mode: On hold for editing of Traditor
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