Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The World is Always Ready to Receive Talent with Open Arms

What's rattling around my head today...

Not particularly writing-related, but I would love, love, LOVE to start a school for gifted children.  I think about it all the time (I will admit: more often when I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series).  Honestly, though, the idea has been with me for a long time.  I was never particularly happy in school, and often felt unchallenged; except, of course, in math class, where I not only felt over-challenged but completely lost.  One of the hazards of having dyscalculia, I suppose.

Anyway, I'd love to start a boarding school where gifted children could go to learn at their own pace (read: faster than the slow-ass system I went through).  We'd offer both traditional and non-traditional subjects, a diverse range of clubs/activities, a strong focus on both the Arts and science, and a supportive atmosphere that would encourage our students and help them deal with adolescent issues--particularly those specific to gifted children.  I'd love to have a class structure similar to Oxford: very small classes, lots of discussion.  Less busywork and more actual learning.

The school would be called Lantern House, after an exercise they had us do in one of the gifted education courses that I took.

The motto would be "Knowledge is Freedom," and our class rings would be plain rose gold bands with the words "Caveat Futurum" stamped on one side, with our lantern symbol on the other.

...I haven't thought about this at all...

I keep lists of my ideas for the school, and am always coming up with something new.  So why don't I pursue it?

One word: funding. 

In order to create the kind of environment I'd want I'd basically have to win the lotto...and then dedicate every dollar to Lantern House.  Unless I run into quite a lot of money (and a really killer financial planner), Lantern House will remain a dream. least for now.

Anyway, back to writing news.  As always, I'm just editing, editing, editing.  Thus far this week I've gotten through 3,088 words.  Still have to do another 2kish to get me up to my weekly goal of 5,000, but that shouldn't be an issue.  I'm actually hoping to do much more than 5k per week, and be done (if possible!) by September.  I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility, so that's my current goal.

I will say, I have a fair bit of rewriting coming up, so that's going to slow me down.  My total for yesterday was much lower than normal not because I was unfocused, but because I wrote an entirely new scene.  I feel like it strengthened the Bryn-Mer bond, and also gave Mer a bit more depth as a character.  At least, I hope it did all of that.  It's entirely possible that it's weak and superfluous  :p

So...on to the REAL writing news: the Blair Partnership.

I am still holding out hope that they simply haven't gotten around to calling/emailing me (I'm never the quintessential girl by the phone in relationships, but evidently I am when it comes to literary agents).  I've decided I'll give them until the end of this week, then send over a little note asking if they received my submission.  Hopefully it didn't get lost in the swirling miasma of cyberspace. 

(It didn't get lost in the miasma of cyberspace, Amy: they're just not that into you.)

Anyway, gotta prep other submission packets (just in case!  They could still call!) and look for jobs this weekend...after I rest up from fam time & sailing class.

Is it vacation yet?

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor 
Word Count (edited): 3,088 (this week)
Writing Mode: Full of blahination.  That's a word, right?

P.S. The title of today's blog is from the fortune I got last night at a Chinese restaurant.  Now I just need to determine if I have any talent  ;}~

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