Phew...why didn't anyone warn me that trying to get published would be so much work? Finally finished my synopsis and now need to re-read and edit the entire submission package. Writing fiction has become pretty easy (hint: that doesn't mean that I'm any good), but writing a query letter and story synopsis is just hell. Plus trying to edit the beginning--the introduction to the rest of the book--down into 10 pages of action-packed, thought-provoking prose is just impossible.
Anyway, I've done the best I can...hopefully that's enough.
In other writing news, I am going crazy over this fellowship. I applied months ago, and am supposed to find out absolutely no later than mid-April. I know that there's no chance I got it, and that it's still way early to expect to hear...but I'm losing my mind.
Bennett Fellowship committee, if you're reading this, please pick me!
And in actual book news, I'm oscillating. Half the time I think my book is pretty damn awesome: a good first installment into what will hopefully become a great trilogy; the other half the time I think it's a hodgepodge of unoriginal ideas and is utter CRAP. I hear this literary bipolar craziness is normal...but makes me nervous about my writing.
The only thing that comforts me is that for every scene that needs to be rewritten (or banished to the bowels of hell) there's another that feels genuine and is (at least for me) pretty absorbing.
Caution: self-aggrandizing wannabe-author on the loose.
Anyway, this blog is far too stream-of-consciousness-sans-content to be allowed to continue. Good night Neverland!
Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: ?
Writing Mode: ptfo
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