Thursday, June 7, 2012

Marching As To War

Whoops, sorry for the lack of update yesterday! I did not, in fact, quit my job in a splendid and costly manner, hopping the first plane to London and beginning life anew as a Baker Street Irregular. Though I was tempted.

I also did a little bit of writing: 627 words, to be exact. That brings me to a total of 13,926 words...setting me up to break 14,000 if I get my 500 in for today!

A note about my figures: anyone doing the math (and please don't, my addition has always been shaky at best. If I'm royally overestimating my work, let me live in my happy delusions!) might notice that the amount of words I write plus the previous day's total don't always add up to the total I give. Often it's probably short, while it may occasionally be long. The explanation is simple: editing.

Sometimes I go back and glance over what I've already written. Other times, something from the day before is bothering me, and I need to tweak it. This leads to deletions, additions, and re-wordings...none of which are calculated into my daily 500. So sorry, math nerds: the numbers make no sense and probably never will! At least until the published book makes its way into your hot little hands.

Oh no. I've called it a book. Now this project must inevitably fail.

Anyway, off to write! Going to lunch with my mum today (yay!) so I need to work extra hard before and after to make sure I get my 500 in. Cheers!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 13,926

Writing Mode: Ready to go...hoping to get to the dark twisted part today!

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