Saturday, June 23, 2012

The One Month Problem

1,682! Not a bad start to my writing today! I now need to get dressed, muck about with the dogs a bit, go grab my cat, take him to the vet to be boarded (I leave for vacation on Monday and am dogsitting until then), and then return to do the evening feeding rituals with everyone here at my mum's house. I've gotten through a violent, scary bit of writing, and now am going to be focusing on Bryn & Mer's relationship, and Mer's introduction to the rebellion. Damn it. Why do I always think Star Wars when I hear the word 'rebellion?' Damn I am a nerd!

Anyway, as the title of this post implies, I have a bit of a problem. Mum, if you're reading: NO, I'm not pregnant. This problem has, appropriately, to do with writing. I came up with a super fun idea for a script yesterday, and I can't seem to get it out of my head. I kind of want to start work on it...with a good deal of focus, it'd probably only take a month or so to write.

But that's the issue. Any time I spend on this script would be time taken away from my book. If I gave it the attention it needs to be finished quickly, I'd have to neglect my book (and this blog!) entirely. However, if I don't work on the script I may forget about it, or at least lose my enthusiasm. It is a quandary!

I think what I'm going to do is write a decent amount for my story every day (trying to still get those 500 words, in spite of vacation and a new job. I'm going to have to store up as much of a buffer as I can...), and then if I have any time or energy left, devoting it to the script. And it can wait...I just am super excited about it at the moment. Sigh.

Anyway, I'd much rather have too much inspiration than none at all, so yay for that! I must now depart or I'll never get anything done today...other than writing. Bye for now!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 28,174
Writing Mode: Inspired!

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