Friday, June 29, 2012

Just Keep Swimming...

639 words today! And I've been more than keeping up with my 500 per day...the other day I wrote 1,700! I also buggered through employment paperwork and sent a very nasty email to netflix.

I'm at an interesting part of my story...Bryn & Mer have met, faced some danger, escaped, and now are holed up in a safehouse. Mer has yet to find out what's really going on...but she's about to scratch the surface. Barely. But enough to scare her...

Anyway, my dad just sent me another job...better get to applying. Peace out, buttercups!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 32,081
Writing Mode: Successful...and distracted by my three arguing cousins. Oh my...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Making Up For Lost Time

So I'm keeping up with my 500 words per day--so far! I have a bit of a buffer, but I'm trying not to rely on it. Yesterday was my first day here in Maine, so I hung with family, staying up talking 'till past 1am. I then went downstairs, got settled in my room, and typed exactly 360 words before passing out. Fail.

Today I got an early start, writing 1,079 words before going upstairs to be social. That's the remaining 140 I owed from yesterday, plus 939 for today! Win!

Anyway, must continue to be social with the fam--my cousin is trying to convince me to come to Zumba with her tomorrow. In the morning. On my vacation.



Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 29,626
Writing Mode: Little engine that could

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The One Month Problem

1,682! Not a bad start to my writing today! I now need to get dressed, muck about with the dogs a bit, go grab my cat, take him to the vet to be boarded (I leave for vacation on Monday and am dogsitting until then), and then return to do the evening feeding rituals with everyone here at my mum's house. I've gotten through a violent, scary bit of writing, and now am going to be focusing on Bryn & Mer's relationship, and Mer's introduction to the rebellion. Damn it. Why do I always think Star Wars when I hear the word 'rebellion?' Damn I am a nerd!

Anyway, as the title of this post implies, I have a bit of a problem. Mum, if you're reading: NO, I'm not pregnant. This problem has, appropriately, to do with writing. I came up with a super fun idea for a script yesterday, and I can't seem to get it out of my head. I kind of want to start work on it...with a good deal of focus, it'd probably only take a month or so to write.

But that's the issue. Any time I spend on this script would be time taken away from my book. If I gave it the attention it needs to be finished quickly, I'd have to neglect my book (and this blog!) entirely. However, if I don't work on the script I may forget about it, or at least lose my enthusiasm. It is a quandary!

I think what I'm going to do is write a decent amount for my story every day (trying to still get those 500 words, in spite of vacation and a new job. I'm going to have to store up as much of a buffer as I can...), and then if I have any time or energy left, devoting it to the script. And it can wait...I just am super excited about it at the moment. Sigh.

Anyway, I'd much rather have too much inspiration than none at all, so yay for that! I must now depart or I'll never get anything done today...other than writing. Bye for now!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 28,174
Writing Mode: Inspired!

Friday, June 22, 2012

I Had A Very Clever Name For This Post, But Now I Can't Remember It

Man, I am worn out. I've spent the last week packing up my office, training my boss' s kid as a replacement, dealing with the cats, and rushing around trying to prep for two big interviews. I have one job, and now am waiting to hear back from another. Hopefully I'll get it, but who knows.

It was surprisingly difficult to leave my job today. I've hated the job for a long time, and have had more issues than I can count within the last year...but I've been with the company for nearly 5 years (it'd be 5 years in August), and had real trouble saying good bye after that stretch of time.

Besides, the past month or two have been pretty good. In fact, they've been wonderful. My boss has been in a great mood, he's been buying us coffee and being super nice, and work has been incredibly slow. I probably would never have gotten so far along in my book if it hadn't. I've passed time with my co-worker shooting our nerf gun at everything and everyone (including my framed poster of Indiana Jones, mini-helicopters, and each other). I've had an office, gotten to know our clients, and finished my Master's.

Don't get me wrong, some of the time (most of the time) it was a terrible job. But when times were good they were very good, and it'll be hard to leave my funny co-worker, my often-jerky but deep-down nice boss, and the funny lawyers with whom we shared space to go sit in a cubicle, processing files, just another cog in a too-big machine.

Maybe it won't be like that. After all, I have an offer in from one job and I'm hoping for an offer in from another...I'll have to look at the work environments for both. Hopefully one is more personal.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm so exhausted that, for the past hour, I've been passing out at the screen. I didn't get to write at work at all today, so after our company dinner for my going-away I came home, pottied the dogs, fed the dogs & cats, walked one of the dogs, took some painkillers for my migraine, and began to write. I managed 596 words, each one of them hard-won. Friday I did 683. I'll have to try to pick it up this weekend...I'm terrified that I won't get anything done in Maine, and that there just won't be time to work on this in my new job. What I need is to apply for a fellowship that'll just let me finish this piece. Blah.

Until that comes through, however, I'll just keep plugging away. Hopefully I'll keep up my 500 per day while I'm on my two-week vacation (I leave Monday!), and will be able to jot down a bit every day at work.

Wish me luck!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 26,491
Writing Mode: Fatigued & nostalgic

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Training Day

Well, I didn't get much done today. 573 words, and each hard-won. My boss sent in his daughter halfway through the day, so the lovely empty afternoon time that would normally be spent writing was instead filled with discussions of her boyfriend, her favorite hair colors, and her classes during college. Blarg!

I will say, she's finally starting to get the hang of the job, so that's nice. She only made one or two mistakes today (though one would have been a big problem down the road if I hadn't caught it). She'll be all right...we just don't have much in common, and she really, REALLY likes to talk. From one to five (minus a blissful hour for lunch) she talked my ear off.

We did talk about my book for a little bit (she asked if it was hard to write, because she saw that I was trying to write it and struggling...due to constant interruptions). I thought she might have a hidden creative writing streak, but as the conversation almost immediately veered back to boys and the kind of mattress she preferred, I think not. Sadness.

Anyway, I want to write a bit more, but I've got to jet off to Art Class. À bientôt, mes amis!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 25,130 (woo, broke 25k!)
Writing Mode: Highly distracted


*EDIT* this is a post from last night, the 19th.

Ugh. Just got back from a terrible date. Or not TERRIBLE, just...yucky. He kept touching me the whole time, grinding up against me on the escalators in the metro, and tried to suck my face off when I finally said goodnight. Plus there was just no attraction. Having an alien burst from my chest would be less painful.

ANYway, today was a good writing day! I managed 1,116 words for a grand total of 24,558. Woot!

So I guess that's it. Just ate my first meal of the day and now am crashing. Must try not to crash on the couch again, but actually make it into bed.*

Nighty Noodles!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 24,558
Writing Mode: Skeeved out ;{~

*Edit two: I did, in fact, pass out on the couch. Fail.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Evidently things just aren't going to calm down! I'm starting a new job, interviewing for another job (don't ask me why, I just do things), prepping to babysit my mother's dogs and then jet out of town (so I've got to clean, use up all perishable food, board one of my cats, get the other down to my mum's, make sure the apartment is all closed up, etc...), going on dates (one Sunday and one today, blarg!), and still trying to deal with normal stuff like counseling (haters gonna hate), side work for my mum, and Art Class. Fairly certain my brain is going to explode and leak out of my ears.

Feels like I've slipped into Realispree--a reality show in my book that is a painful and dangerous race to the finish. Hopefully it ends better for me than for most Realispree contestants...

PLUS it's my last week at work, and I have a follow-up interview on the morning of my last day. Hope that won't keep us from doing something fun!

Anyway, despite all of that, I'm still managing to create. Not much, mind you, but enough to keep me going. I had enough of a buffer from last week to excuse not writing this weekend, which is good...Saturday I was running around working for my mum, and Sunday I was cleaning my apartment in a vain effort to make it presentable for her first visit since I moved in. I did manage to squeeze out 591 words on Friday and another 794 yesterday, bringing me to a grand total of 22,697. And--not to jinx myself--I feel like today is going to be a really good writing day. I have all sorts of ideas bouncing around my head, and have finally reached the point where the two main characters, Bryn & Mer, are going to properly meet and begin interacting. That'll lighten up the story quite a bit, and should make for some fun scenes with Mer...her life is about to disintegrate, and it'll be fun to watch her picking up the pieces. I like to torment my characters. So sue me! It'll all work out for the best!

...ok, no it won't. Not in this book. Oops, sorry about that. Spoiler alert!

But if I actually finish this book, and the sequel, things will eventually work out in the third. If I don't get to the third...well, Mer'll have a very, VERY sad life. Poor thing.

Guess that's some incentive for me to get my shit together! Besides, a character I've been DYING to introduce, Pilot, should make her first appearance soon. Pilot is very possibly the most flawed character I've ever dreamed up. I thought of her ages ago. She evolved from a different character, went through many changes, and emerged as this great golden heroine...who is cowardly, unstable, and has little regard for anyone but herself. She's almost childlike in her selfishness and fear (what is that they say about writers always writing themselves???). Originally she was going to be the star of her own story, but I couldn't seem to make any stick. Then she was going into another story that's been percolating in my soggy brain, but she didn't really make sense there. Finally I thought of sticking her in with Bryn & Mer...and she just fit. Of course, if she could argue her case she might not agree...there are pretty terrible times ahead for her, as well...though one could argue that her beau, Bard, fares worse. They're great foils for Bryn & Mer, though, and they ground them more solidly in the world of the rebellion, to which both Bryn & Mer are merely visitors: Mer was a nobody who didn't even realize there was much of a rebellion, while Bryn is an outsider from England (<3 England!).

Ok, I seem to be writing a novel here...and there are other places that I should be doing that. Tootles!

...I hate the way that's spelled. I know it's wrong, but from this point forward I'm spelling it like the name, not the word. Toodles!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 22,697
Writing Mode: Energized!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Wear Sunscreen

Phew, it's been a crazy couple of days! I've been filling out papers for my new job, running all over trying to get my phone fixed (it is still defective), and trying to keep the house and the cats going throughout it all. Last night was particularly interesting: I went straight home after work (well, straight home after shooting nerf guns with my coworker) and cleaned, took out the garbage and recycling, did the litter, and played/cuddled with the cats. Around 8.45 I sauntered down to the park, where there was an open-air movie. I watched National Treasure while chowing down on banana cream ice cream and gourmet popcorn (YAY FOOD TRUCKS!), supplemented with one can from my personal supply of Moxie. It was glorious.

Anyway, went back inside to write a bit more before bed. Wrote some, passed out on the couch, woke up to Draco tearing around the house. After telling him off, I heard an odd noise and wandered around my tiny apartment trying to find it. I found it, all right...a LEAK in the pipe above my clothes closet. I moved everything to one side and called for Derek from maintenance, who came in just as the leak was slowing. He shoved a bucket underneath and promised he'd be back in the morning (this was about 1.30am). Thankfully, the leak had stopped, and he should be fixing it as we speak.

That was not the end of my night, however. After chatting with Derek ("You have to leave at 6.45am? Why are you still awake right now? Do you not sleep?!?!") I sat down to write some more. I pounded out a really great paragraph (I can only speak so well of it because of the events to come, grr) and passed out again. I woke to find Lily sleeping contentedly on my keyboard...and my screen blank. I pulled up the story and it was all there, thank god...except for the really great paragraph. I turfed her off the computer, growled at Draco, who was trying to bite her, and re-wrote it the best I could. It's not what it was before, but I'm doing fairly well word count-wise, so I'm still excited. I'll be spending a lot of time editing, anyway.

Speaking of my word count, I wrote 598 on Wednesday (hey, I was training my replacement Wed. and Thurs., don't hate!) and 1,575 yesterday, for a grand total of 20,931 words. I broke 20k!!!

Feeling very good about this book. In fact, I'm feeling so good that I named this post after a song that gives many good pieces of advice, and one in particular that I have been contemplating: "do one thing every day that scares you."

People have said this to me my entire life, and I've always hated it. First off, who lives like that? Honestly, what a douchey thing to say. Plus, if you had to come up with something scary every day you'd soon run out of local things to do (unless we're going Flatliners here), and who really has the money to travel the world simply to find horrifying challenges?

Everybody's Free (to Wear Sunscreen) came on the radio the other day, and I've been listening to it/thinking about it ever since. Finally I realized that you don't have to do a new scary thing every day. I imagined that the point was to face your fears and overcome them, so that you would no longer be afraid. Finally, however, I've figured out that ridding yourself of fear isn't the point. The point is to face a fear, meet it, and not be cowed by it. To do in spite of fear. Now I realize that simply getting up and facing the day could count as 'doing one thing that scares you.' The world is scary. Choosing your path is scary: "I have two job offers and have no idea where either path will lead, what should I do...?" Being brave enough to be yourself is scary. Loving is scary. Life is scary.

Do one thing every day that scares you...I'm doing that now. I'm working on my very first novel each and every day. Mostly it's for myself, but I'd be a liar (and I think most writers would) if I said I wasn't hoping that other people might someday read (and enjoy!) it. Every day I work hard, putting my heart and soul on the line for a story which might never be finished, might never be published, might never go anywhere. It's not scary, it's terrifying.

Speaking of, duty calls! I may be sleep and caffeine-deprived, but I still need to work. Tootles!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 20,931
Writing Mode: Headachy, but optimistic!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ozymandias and Rome

Well, started off today in a depressive funk, thinking that I wouldn't get anything done. Somehow, however, I managed to pull 1,785 words out of my ass...and I finally got to write that horrible, sick, heart-wrenching scene I've been pushing towards. Yay!

I swear, nothing helps you feel better like writing. I was so stressed about everything this morning: my job, the fact that another job called, my sweet but evil cat, money...everything! But I started writing, and once I got into the flow I began to feel better. Woo!

I'm not sure that the job I'm applying for is going to be right for me. It might be wonderful, and either way it's not a forever job (do they even make those any more?), but I'm worried all the same. This worry has turned my thoughts to something I've thought about (and applied for) before...the George Bennett Writer in Residence Fellowship up in Exeter, NH. I applied once, a few years ago (with a not-so-strong piece, now that I think about it) and was rejected. They were ever so polite about it...but it was a rejection nonetheless. The more I begin worrying about the future the more I start to think that this fellowship might be PERFECT for me. I'd have a full year to focus on my writing (see, I told you this blog had something to do with writing!), to finally finish my novel (gasp, that damn word again! Out, out!), and to edit it up enough that it'd be ready for publication. It'd also give me the chance to work with kids, something I've thought about in the past. I've tried to get a teaching job, but evidently a Master's just isn't what it used to be grumblegrumblegrumble. Anyway, if I got the fellowship I'd be helping young writers, and I could also get involved with their theatre or choir...or even help them start a Quidditch league! THAT WOULD BE AMAZING.

Anyway, the chances are slim to none that I could get it, but if I can keep up even one-tenth of the pace I've been going at I should have a decent beginning of a novel by the time the deadline rolls around...and hopefully by then I'll have a stand-out section that I can send them. In fact, I think I know what section I'd like to send...maybe.......

Of course, that's if I can keep up the pace. Which brings me to my next worry: my new job. I am betting that time for writing there will be next to nil. I'm going to try to write at night and on the weekends, but I know it'll really cut down on my production. Hopefully I can at least keep up with 500 words per day...otherwise I'll have to re-name this blog, and that would just be terribly embarrassing.

Anyway, I'm running late, so I must depart. I'm off to attend a bachelorette dinner (no, no strippers or pasties, sadly) for a friend of mine who's in from out of town. Oh, and get my phone fixed. Again. GRUMBLE GRUMBLE GRR.

Nighty Noodles!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 18,758
Writing Mode: Rejuvenated!

*EDIT: I've just realized that the name of this post is terribly unclear. I spoke with my sister and a friend of mine today, and both stressed that I shouldn't worry about getting my novel done right now. It takes time to write a good book, they said, wagging their fingers, and if I rush too much my prose might suffer. This reminded me of the saying that Rome was not built in a day, and of the poem Ozymandias, where a lifetime of work was reduced to nothing. Don't worry, kids: I won't rush...too much ;}~

I Will Prepare And Some Day My Chance Will Come

It's been a painful few days. This weekend was fun: got to hang with my dad, go out for dinner & a movie in Chinatown, and he helped keep the cats occupied, providing me with a much-needed reprieve. Sunday, however, I was offered a new job, and I therefore spent the last two days fighting with my apartment to figure out if I could take it, or if I had to ask for less money.

Yes, less.

I am in an affordable housing apartment. I can only make up to a certain amount per annum (think less than what a McDonald's server makes in a year) or I get kicked out of the program, and have to pay the monthly market price for my apartment (again, about what a McDonald's server makes in a year). I've always been so poor that I can't afford sparkling water, so it's never been an issue. However this new job offered me slightly over the cap...I asked if I could have the extra put into a fund for my commuting costs (very standard here in DC) or perhaps as a donation to my 401K. My apartment said no. I have a sneaking suspicion they did it just to be difficult. Grr.

So I finally talked to the job, asked for less money (they were bewildered, unsurprisingly), and squeezed out what little writing I could. Yesterday I managed 722 words, and I am only just preparing to begin today's writing. We'll see how it goes. Draco (one of my cats: a stray I recently rescued from the street) spent the entire night terrorizing Lily (my other cat, my belovéd lifelong companion), which kept me up. I used to think that sleep (and peace of mind, and the ability to actually unwind and relax) was for the weak. That was before I had to go without it (and without those others, too) for months on end. I can't stand it. I may have to find a nice family with young, active children to take in Draco. Driving me mad.

Anyway, must write. All that matters is the writing. Besides, I'm at a fun, dark bit. Should be exciting...if I don't pass out on the keyboard.

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 16,975
Writing Mode: Dogged (get it? It's a pun! Because we were talking about cats, and I described myself as 'dogged?' No? Is that even a pun? Oh god I don't know, I'm just so tired.......)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Woo, sorry again for the lack of update yesterday! Mi padre is in town, and we spent the evening reminiscing, watching The Birdcage, and trying to convince each other not to murder my cat. I don't know how I'm going to get any writing done this weekend...though I over-wrote enough the last few days to keep me covered. Maybe that's how I'll handle the weekends...hmm.......

Anyway, yesterday I pounded out 951 words for a grand total of 16,256. Can't wait 'till I break 20k--then I'll be a tenth of the way towards a decent-sized book!

I guess that's all for now. Today my dad and I are going to hang, then he has a memorial service, during which I'll be bumming (read: making cookies) with my mum. Hope they're snickerdoodle, yum! Afterwards my dad and I are meeting up for dinner and a movie--finally getting to see the Avengers! Just need to figure out where I'm taking him for dinner...

On a side note, I've noticed I grossly overuse both 'suddenly' and 'finally' in my writing. Must rectify this...

Audi for now!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 16,256
Writing Mode: Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool, writing' some dope prose outside of the school

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late!

...for a very important date!

Just a quick check-in here, as I need to jet off to meet my good friend who has just moved back to town! Today was fairly productive. I wrote 1,344 words for a total of 15,306! Yay, broke 15k!

Anyway, I STILL haven't gotten to the dark and depressing part, but I am standing on the precipice, now, so I should be able to bang it out tomorrow. There's been a lot of dialog lately, so something really gruesome should break it up nicely.

In other news, I may finally be getting a job offer! Haven't seen it come through, yet, so I'm not sure. But that would really REALLY help me; I'm bleeding money at the moment. Last month I spent $400 to commute back and forth to my job. PAINFUL.

Anyway, back to writing talk. After this dark bit there's a little downtime, which I'm not looking forward to writing, but then I'll finally get to introduce the love interest who, of course, is the one who gets our heroine into deep kimchi.

Not literally.

Actually, it might be more interesting if it was literally.

Ta for now, back tomorrow to scribble more scrawls!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 15,306

Writing Mode: Off to see the mean, my friend

Marching As To War

Whoops, sorry for the lack of update yesterday! I did not, in fact, quit my job in a splendid and costly manner, hopping the first plane to London and beginning life anew as a Baker Street Irregular. Though I was tempted.

I also did a little bit of writing: 627 words, to be exact. That brings me to a total of 13,926 words...setting me up to break 14,000 if I get my 500 in for today!

A note about my figures: anyone doing the math (and please don't, my addition has always been shaky at best. If I'm royally overestimating my work, let me live in my happy delusions!) might notice that the amount of words I write plus the previous day's total don't always add up to the total I give. Often it's probably short, while it may occasionally be long. The explanation is simple: editing.

Sometimes I go back and glance over what I've already written. Other times, something from the day before is bothering me, and I need to tweak it. This leads to deletions, additions, and re-wordings...none of which are calculated into my daily 500. So sorry, math nerds: the numbers make no sense and probably never will! At least until the published book makes its way into your hot little hands.

Oh no. I've called it a book. Now this project must inevitably fail.

Anyway, off to write! Going to lunch with my mum today (yay!) so I need to work extra hard before and after to make sure I get my 500 in. Cheers!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 13,926

Writing Mode: Ready to go...hoping to get to the dark twisted part today!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Hand That Mocked Them And The Heart That Fed

573 words. May be all I get today. The virus that my boss said he had removed from my computer came back today with a vengeance. My coworker had to re-build it...thank god I'm a compulsive saver and back-upper. It's fixed now, but my boss yelled at me and promised to fire me if I ever get another virus. I need another job. I need another job. I need another job.

I've been applying...192 applications since January 1.

Anyway, this blog isn't the place for such ramblings. This blog is for writing. I'll go back to my mantra: all that matters is the writing. The rest is just white noise.

May take my laptop home and try to write more there; after all, you don't need the internet to write. Helps, though.

Anyway, off for now. Maybe tomorrow will be better (both for me and my story).
All that matters is the writing. The writing is all that matters.

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 13,335
Writing Mode: Lost

The Matrix Has You


Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 12,900
Writing Mode: INFECTED

Monday, June 4, 2012

We Found Words In A Hopeless Place

Ok, I wouldn't normally quote Rihanna, but I just saw a marching band playing that song. They play outside of my apartment every Monday night. Tonight I was supposed to see two friends from out of town, but they couldn't make it up. I didn't find out until late, so I had the end of the evening free...and since I'd spent the beginning of the evening cleaning, I didn't feel guilty about going out. I walked down to watch them was AMAZING! They also played Material Girl and Walkin' on Sunshine. I guess the title of this entry could have been "Writin' on Sunshine."

Oh well. Anyway, back to the writing! Today I had a wicked slow start, but I wisely made a pot of coffee and, thus invigorated, banged out 1,750 words, bringing me to a grand total of 12,900! That's 1,250 more than today's goal. I'm on FIRE!!!

Now, time to relax: I have another 500 words to write tomorrow :}

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 12,900

Writing Mode: Adequately Caffeinated

Friday, June 1, 2012

I'll Get You, My Pretty, And Your Inspiration, Too!

Phew! Writing today was like pulling teeth. Man, I'm even resorting to cliches! MY MIND IS PUTTY!

Why was it so difficult today? One word: HORMONES. Fail.

And then I thought I ought to fight fire with sexy, sexy I logged on to amazon and looked up 50 Shades of Grey.


It's not high literature. It's not a particularly interesting story. But IT. IS. HOT.

So yes, that was a mistake.

Anyway, I finally started writing, and managed to bang out 929 words, for a total of 11,046. AND, more importantly, I powered through a boring bit, and have a really sick, twisted, depressing part to write next. I can't wait ;}

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 11,046
Writing Mode: Done for the day...need to get laid!