Monday, December 2, 2013

Endings and (Hopefully) Beginnings

I was going to write this post before the holiday, but I got busy and ran out of time. It was initially going to be a happy, crowing, self-congratulatory post about how many query letters I’ve sent out over the past month.  Then, a day after Thanksgiving, I got a rejection from Sara Crowe, an agent I’d only queried two days before.
That put a bit of a damper on things.
Still, I’ve been steadily sending out query packages, and feel kind of okay about the application process.  I sent out one application in September and one in October; in November, however, I managed to get out four.  I’ll have to follow up with these, and continue the push of applying through the end of December.  No positive news (or even feedback) as yet, but hopefully something’ll come along if I just keep applying
I’m having mixed feelings about the book in general at the minute.  Looking at it overall, I actually really like it.  I find it engaging, sometimes funny, occasionally poignant, and somewhat thought-provoking (if I do say so myself).  However, the more I look at it the more I wonder if it’ll ever get published.  I’m not exactly sure what publishers are looking for, and while I think Traditor could do well and make them happy, I don’t know if they see what they want in my submissions.  Maybe I need to somehow re-work the cover letter.
Either way, even if it never gets picked up I still want to write the other two books.  Maybe it’s a waste of time, as some have said, and maybe I should switch to a new project.  But the Bryn & Mer trilogy is a story that lives inside of me, and needs to find passage into the world…even if mine are the only eyes ever to see it.
That being said, I have been thinking about trying my hand at romance (in my copious amounts of free time).  I hear it pays well, and there’s a HUGE demand for it (as opposed to silly little novels about love and morality and defiance).  I have a couple of ideas, and had a rough sketch for a short story that I jotted down a few years ago.  Maybe I could flesh (hehe, flesh) that out a bit and see where it goes.  It doesn’t inspire me like Bryn & Mer, but maybe it could be a nice mental break…and a good source of $$$.
Ideas for romance themes/situations are welcome.
And on a related note: I think I’m giving up on dating.
I know this doesn’t seem at all writing-related, but bear with me.
I’ve known for a long time that I’m just over the dating scene.  I’m honestly not good at it…one, I never get picked up in bars/at parties/pretty much anywhere (except by homeless men and the mentally-handicapped; which, though sweet, says nothing flattering about me I’m afraid).  I tried online dating, which resulted in a swath of illiterate, grotesque emails and several dates, all of which were colossal train wrecks.  I’ve had crushes and tried my very best to put myself out there, only to be shot down. 
I’m just tired.  And there’s something beautiful in saying “no, I’m not going to do it anymore.”  People insist on telling me that “it’ll happen when you’re least expecting it.”  Well, I’ve been “least expecting it” for the past year, and nothing’s doin’.  Since finally declaring myself done, I’ve stopped looking at all attractive ladies and gents as potential Mr. or Mrs. Right.  I’ve stopped freaking out that I might not be put-together enough to catch my future wife or husband’s eye.  I’m sad, but I also feel an odd, cloying sense of peace. 
And, honestly, relief.
So how does this relate to writing?
Well, hopefully it’ll free up a lot of resources, both emotional and horological.  If I’m less invested in romantic pursuits, maybe I’ll have more energy and ability to focus on my books.  Additionally, if I spend less time searching for and mooning over people, maybe I’ll use that time to write (and apply for jobs, and plan my future single-motherdom, and figure out what I’m doing with my life). 
(Okay, okay; it’s a bit of a stretch.  Still, it’s something I’m dealing with right now, and I just needed to get it out).
Anyway, I guess that’s it for now.  I’ve got to post this blog and finish my lunch.  Bright spot on the horizon: after work I’m going to the Holiday Market!  Super excited!  And hopefully my antiquarian bookseller will be there, with beautiful 1800s-era volumes of Sherlock Holmes (just like last year).  ::Swoon::
À bientôt!
P.S. I just made up a terrible joke.  What did French Dorothy Gale say to her dog?  À bienTôto!
...this is the caliber of writer I am.  #nevergettingpublished #nojokeswithoutcoffee #itskindafunnythough

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