Anyway, I’m not editing on this lunch break because I went to mail my tax return for Virginia (long story) and, as it turns out, FedEx can’t mail to that IRS office any more, due to the shutdown or ineptitude or general congressassery*. I’m super pissed, and dunno how I’ll get my shit to the post office (seeing as they’re all closed or on reduced hours as well), but that, evidently, is the new plan. Irksome.
As for the editing, it’s actually going really well. I’ve been very down these past few months, and especially so recently, but even just fiddling with my book seems to be helping. Some.
I have had to rewrite several sections, and they’ve turned out much better. That’s also helpful.
I’m currently about 39 pages from the finish, which (when you consider that the manuscript is something like 380 pages) is hardly anything at all! 90% done!
Editor applications, however, are another story (pun intended!). I just do not have the time outside of work right now, and my work lunch time is currently dedicated to editing. I’m so busy that I feel like I’m not even sleeping. I haven’t vacuumed in something like two weeks, I need to scrub my stove and toilet, and I really should spend more time with my cat. Plus I ought to rest…before I snap and really do throw myself off the balcony here at work. Tempting…
Seriously, though, I figure I’ll focus on applications once I’m finished with editing. Once the book is edited I can use these lunch sessions to research and apply to publishers, leaving my evenings free to find a new job (which I desperately need).
Anyway, my break is almost up, and I think I’ll spend the rest of it staring out the window and drinking my hot cider (yum!). Ciao for now.
Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Traditor
Word Count: only 10% left to edit!
Writing Mode: Wistful; and, for the most part, enjoying reading my own work
go ahead and coin this word right now
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