Woo! Very, very
exciting…though I will miss reading and tweaking my story every day.
(Is it self-centered to say that? Do I care?)
Seriously, I’m super happy that it’s edited, and I feel a
lot better about it as a whole. I feel
like it’s much more cohesive and believable, and that it captures the mood I
wanted to convey better than it did before.
Besides, I actually ended up liking the characters more once I made them
more human.
So what did I do on my lunch break today, you might
ask? Well, freed (however unwillingly)
from the shackles of editing, I decided to do what I’m always telling everyone
else to do: MAN UP. I did just that, and finally sent off a query
to another agent. That means I have two
out right now, though I think the last one I sent is a no ;{
I haven’t heard back from them yet, and I sent it out on September 20th. I hear if an agent likes your work you’ll hear from them within 1-3 weeks. I’m willing to allow myself to believe that they are either madly overworked or on vacation, however, so I’m still holding out some hope.
I haven’t heard back from them yet, and I sent it out on September 20th. I hear if an agent likes your work you’ll hear from them within 1-3 weeks. I’m willing to allow myself to believe that they are either madly overworked or on vacation, however, so I’m still holding out some hope.
Anyway, the submission today was incredibly
nerve-wracking. Not actually writing
it—I’ve had it written for weeks, waiting to go—but because they don’t mention
a writing sample. Not the first three
chapters, not the first ten pages, not even a separate synopsis to give them a
fuller idea of what the hell your book’s about.
Just a query.
Absolutely terrifying.
I wavered back and forth about just attaching the damn
sample (or pasting it below the letter, which would be the wiser course), but I
kept imagining the agent tossing my submission away for disregarding their
instructions (or, rather, for providing something for which they did not
ask). Finally I just took a deep breath,
hit send, and then wept into my keyboard.
Okay, okay, I didn’t weep.
In fact I breathed a sigh of relief.
Still, a query with no sample? Almost as confusing as the grocery store I
encountered that didn’t sell beer. Makes you feel that all is not right with the
So, what will I do now?
That’s a good question (and, as I’m the only one who reads
this blog, one that makes me seem slightly schizophrenic*). The plan is to knock together a longer
synopsis over the next few days, so that I can finally send out a submission to
Tor books. Evidently they accept
unsolicited manuscripts, but they have very specific guidelines and I don’t
want to fuck it up.
After I’ve applied to Tor I’ll probably start work on book
two: Bryn & Mer: Damnatio
Memoriae. I’ll (hopefully) continue
applying to approximately 1 agent per week (though it may be more like 1 every
2 or 3 weeks, depending on how hard they
are to find, how much I have to tweak my submission package, etc.). Everyone tells you that submitting your book over and over and over is
incredibly depressing: and they’re right, it is. Aside from some personal heartache, that’s
probably the biggest reason I’ve been down these last few weeks (the third
biggest being my job, the fourth looking for jobs, the fifth all my friends
moving away, the sixth lack of ice cream†…).
However I just need to keep telling myself that Madeleine L'Engle was
rejected 26 times for A Wrinkle in Time,
and J.K. Rowling only got Harry Potter
published because a bored publisher’s daughter got her hands on the
manuscript. It’ll happen. I have to believe that it will happen.
Anyway, break’s over, so I must bring the blog to a
close. Until next time, fearless
* I
had a note to put here, but the voices distracted me…
7-26 are
all lack of ice cream as well. There’s
nothing more depressing than a day without ice cream.