Friday, June 28, 2013

Expecto Patronum

So I'm starting to get a little nervous.

It's been 6 weeks and I still haven't heard back from The Blair Partnership.  I know I have two more weeks before they said I should hear...but I feel like the fact that I've yet to be contacted is not a good sign.

Going to try to convince myself that they're just super busy and haven't had time to look over my submission...

Anyway, still mired in the ceaseless slog of editing.  It's actually not that bad...I've managed to get through 5,522 words this week, and may work on it a bit this weekend, too.  I have visions of myself camped out on the grass, laying on a blanket, editing happily in the sunshine...

...just so long as I remember my pepper spray...

Anyway, editing may not be the most fascinating thing in the world, but it has its upsides.  I'm getting to re-read the book and finding that it's not as hopeless a cause as I'd originally assumed.  I've been able to tweak the characters, aligning them more closely with the people in my head (writing is just schizophrenia on paper), and am cutting or completely re-writing the scenes I wasn't sure about on the first pass.  It's almost like I'm a sculptor, carving through the rough stone to discover an unknown form beneath. 

Not necessarily a GOOD form, but we'll see.


Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Damnatio Memoriae
Word Count: 100ish
Writing Mode: Hellz yeah I started a new book!  #booktwo #brynandmerftw #caveatlector

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