Monday, July 30, 2012

Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's Off To Write We Go!

Ah...just finished writing for today. This morning was a total loss, sadly...spent it trawling Monster for my boss. But this afternoon (despite an influx of calls) was fairly productive...managed to scrape out 1,605 words. Not too shabby!

I am at an exciting part of the story. Or, I should say, I am almost at an exciting part of the story. Bryn & Mer just escaped custody in the company of someone who Mer still thinks is an enemy (actually a friend, duh). Anyway, I need to get through a bit of explanation about that, blah blah blah...but then I get to introduce Pilot!

I've talked about Pilot before, so it should be obvious how superjazzed I am to finally get to write her! The story has been feeling a bit stagnant lately, so I think that her character will really liven it up and add the bit of spice that it needs. She's so crazy and wild and carefree...and cowardly, traumatized, and selfish. She'll be super fun to write...especially as the story progresses >;}~

And speaking of crazy and carefree, I'm going to introduce the Occultics within the next five chapters (I think). They're a minority religion in this world, and have a very odd outlook on life. They're mostly on the fringe of society, so they'll be very helpful for our heroes...not least because they'll add a bit of levity to the story...before it takes a turn for the dark and horrible, muahahaha!

I'll also be dealing with the Dissenters, Bryn's gang. Yeah, about them: not as awesome as Bryn thinks. He's with them 100% on their plan for the chip, but differs on a lot of little things. I look forward to writing them, just because I honestly dislike them so much. Should be interesting to explore.

Most excitingly (okay, not more exciting than writing Pilot, but a close second!), I'll be laying the groundwork for a relationship between Bryn & Mer in the following chapters. They had a bit of a romance going, but Mer fouled that up pretty solidly, so we're going to have to start from scratch...yay! It'll take a lot longer this time around, just because both will be a little more wary. Bryn in particular will be hesitant, as the last time he let his guard down around Mer she took advantage of it to steal the chip. So things will be going slowly; fortunately, there's plenty of time for it to happen, as they'll be on foot soon, and then will fall in amongst the Occultics. They're going to be a big help to our heroes, but they won't make things much faster.

Anyway, all in all I'm feeling fairly good! Going to keep plugging away, and hope to reach 65k tomorrow. If I can do that, maybe I'll be able to get to 70 by the end of the week? I think that's a bit ambitious, but here's hoping!


Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 62,456
Writing Mode: Well-paced and well-pleased

P.S. Sometimes I sing the seven dwarves' digging song when I'm pleased with the way my writing is going...only I substitute 'write' for 'dig.' "Write, write, write, write, write, write, write, write; write the whole day through! Write, write, write, write, write, write, write, that's what I like to do!"

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