Woo, crankin' it out today! I was in a writing mood when I got home last night, but passed out almost immediately. I hadn't brought my computer home anyway, so no real loss. I guess the mood held, though, because I began writing here at work as soon as I finished my morning report. My wordcount thus far? 834! That's today's 500 in the bag, plus 334 from my debt...only 911 more to go!
I can't really congratulate myself too much. Just before starting this blog I spent an entire day researching different religions, then creating new derivative religions to use in my story. I also plotted out several shows, companies, and other aspects of the story. Today's writing has mostly had to do with religion, and thus it was more or less plug-and-play. Still, I'm excited :D
I am in desperate need of coffee, however. I can't have any, as my office has been out of sugar for weeks (grumblegrumblegrumble), but I might whip up a cup of tea with honey. I also haven't eaten, and there's a whoopie pie* in the fridge with my name on it.
Off to feed and caffeinate myself...back later, perhaps, with another writing update!
Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 8,694
Writing Mode: Crankin'!
*If you don't know what a whoopie pie is, for the love of all that is good and holy plan a vacation to Maine and get yourself one. Seriously. Perhaps with an ice-cold Moxie. NOM!
Your whoopie pie won't be as excellent as mine, though, because mine was made from scratch by my mum :}
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