Monday, November 9, 2015

We Are What We Repeatedly Do

I’ve been writing every day on my way home from work.  I would write at lunch, but I haven’t been taking lunch at all.  I just work straight through, and often into the evening.  But at least I get to write on the way home.

Despite the fact that I’m writing on a train, I’m getting a lot done.  I’ve managed to almost keep up with my 500 per day…currently I’m 126 in the hole, but all it will take is one delayed train to allow me to catch up.

I’m also approaching a more interesting part of the book, where the writing should go more quickly.  I’ve been setting things up for the past two weeks or so…finally they’re starting to come to a head.  Hopefully that means that not only will the writing progress more quickly, but it’ll also be more fun.

In old-school writing news, I’m doing one final edit on Traditor.  I re-read it recently and noticed a typo, so I’ve stopped sending it out for now and am going through one last time to make sure that everything is perfect.  I edit on the train in the mornings, which means that one half of my commute revolves around proofreading my first book, while the other half is dedicated to writing the second.  I find this oddly satisfying.

I also found a promising new publisher who is accepting unagented manuscripts, and will be submitting there as soon as the final edit of Traditor is completed.

Onward - -

Working Title: Damnatio Memoriae
Word Count: 20,430
Writing Mode: Treading water