Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tomorrow...Is Another Day!

Wahooooo! Out of my slump! I started writing first thing this morning, probably because I felt super guilty about slacking yesterday. I'm not good in the mornings--I'm much more productive in the afternoons (once my coffee's kicked in and I've had some time to wake up). Still, so far this morning I've managed to write 564 words! I've already hit my goal for today, so anything else is GRAVY! I'm hoping to get at least another 500 or so, though...if I'm honest with myself, I'd really like at least another 1,000. Gotta build up the weekend buffer...especially since I probably won't be writing this holiday Monday. With any luck I'll actually be at the Ren Faire, though that might happen on Sunday.

Anyway, Bryn and Mer are going to have a bit of downtime while they chill in the Mess, grab food, and goof off. Bryn is going to teach Mer how to pick a lock, and she's going to stop being so damn passive and start taking charge of her life. It doesn't end well for her, of course...not 'till the third book, anyway ("wtf, Amy already has three damn books planned out? She cray-cray, y'all!").

Also, excitingly, I realized that I am almost to the meat-and-bones of my book! After the mess Bryn and Mer are going to plot with Jules, quit HQ, and head out. They'll be taken as far as Saratoga Springs, NY, then they'll have to hoof it from there (roadblocks, monitoring on all public transit, etc.). They'll be nearly captured, Pilot will be called in to rescue them, she'll panic and leave them, and they'll barely escape. Poor Pilot ;{ Anyway, Pilot will have a second chance, redeem herself...and die. Poor, poor Pilot, I really don't want to write that bit. Then of course Bard will betray Bryn & Mer, setting up the terrible, terrible ending...which I won't spoil here. This is the stuff I've been waiting to write since Pilot--the first character I created from this book--first popped into my head.

...I am a literary homicidal maniac. Je pleure.

Anyway, I'll try to write again later, once I've finished with the story for the day. For now, mes peuples, à bientôt!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: Eh...didn't check. +564 to whatever it was yesterday!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Really, really, really terrible writing day. Only got 706 words done, and most of that was in the last half hour. Carpal tunnel, reports, distraction, need for chocolate, and verizon maxxing out my goddamn card by charging me for a phone I already returned served to be enough of a distraction to really foul up my writing. At least I finally hit my stride (in the past 5 minutes) and set myself up fairly nicely for tomorrow's writing.

Oh, and I've taken to quoting this blog in my work, weirdly. I took that bit I wrote about Jules and had Bryn say it today. This is probably a poor decision. But hey, it helped get me to my word count.



Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 84,387
Writing Mode: BLARGH

Monday, August 27, 2012

Steady As She Goes

As always, I only have a minute to write! Today was a decent writing day--got 1,121 words out, despite a report and lots of last-minute calls. I finally got to introduce Jules, yay! I'm going to have to show her in a somewhat kinder light sometime during this chapter, however, as right now she's not looking so good. That's kind of her character, idealistic, decent person who gets ensnared in the bureaucracy and disconnection of an increasingly amoral cause. She's interesting, and I need to make sure to treat her kindly.

Pilot is, unfortunately, off gallivanting at the moment, but I plan to bring her back very soon. I'm hoping to keep this chapter fairly short (I keep going all Hemingway with my damn description...will have to cut soooooooo much of it out) so that I can get to the travelling/betrayal chapters to come. Pilot's betrayal is probably what I am MOST excited to write about, followed only by the terrible, terrible ending (sorry, Mer. Sorry, Bryn).

Anyway, 3 minutes 'till I get to leave, so audi for now!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 82,442
Writing Mode: Steady as she goes

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Star to Sail Her By

Wow. Today was SUCH a fun writing day!

It started out slowly...I feel like I say that every day. "It started out slowly, and I thought it was going to be awful, and then it was/wasn't!" Seriously, the first 500 words are the hardest. Once I'm past that, somehow it just starts to flow.

Anyway, today was more description--lots of talk and imagery about the Dissenters' camp. Thought I was going to get to introduce Jules today, but no such luck. Tomorrow for sure!

What was especially fun today was the dichotomy, and the symbolism. I did a lot of describing that was more about the Dissenters themselves than their camp. Also, I played with the idea of dust/dirt, light/dark (that's one of the major themes of my book, actually...that, and the ocean), and direction/lack thereof. Pulled a compass rose in for that last one, so there's the ocean again! Anyway, I am evidently going to be prepping some reports for tomorrow, so I thought I'd paste a few selections from today's writing in here to amuse you:

"They stepped away from the carved walkway, into a makeshift town. Tents, shacks, and hovels of all description surrounded them. They seemed to be dwellings—as they passed down the road of packed earth, Mer caught glimpses of uneven tables and sad, improvised bed nests. Dust billowed around their feet with every step, swirling up in a desperate bid for freedom before drifting, resigned, back to be trodden underfoot.

The road became more even, and suddenly they came upon a line of delineation. An intersection stretched before it. Halfway through, the road abruptly changed to smooth, even concrete. Behind them, acres of shanties lay in crumbling silence; before, squat, featureless concrete squares lined the pallid drive. Each had a small yard of poured concrete, a flat wooden door, and one tiny, shaded window set far back in the flat stone siding. Some of the Dissenters had tried to personalize their yards: here and there rough-hewn chairs sat, next to wilting ferns and the occasional child’s sprawled doll. Under the fluorescent lights, high and dim at the top of the cavern, these personal touches appeared desolate and meaningless.

Mer was distracted by the sight of a sullen child. It—for it was impossible to determine what gender it was—sat cross-legged in the center of its stone grass. It was plastered with brown dust from the cave walls, mixed with the fine white powder that seemed to lie over the entirety of the cavern. It was making mud-pies of dry, sandy earth, patting them together only to watch them fall apart as soon as its hands were removed. The child looked up at them as they passed. It was all muddy hazel eyes and dusty blond hair. Mer wondered what it was thinking, if, she thought, looking into those dull eyes, if it was thinking. A voice called from within the house and the child stood, all obedience. It brushed the sand from its hands, adding to the collection on its clothes, then walked docilely into the house.

Mer stared down at her feet, avoiding the sight of row after row of infinite homogeny. She traced finite fractures in the concrete, watching her steps stir the dust.

Mer noticed the road widening, and looked up to find herself walking into a massive, open space.

“Compatriot Commons,” Bryn said, answering Mer’s unarticulated query. “It was designed as a meeting place: somewhere to hold festivals, community events, and open votes.”

The concrete was cracked, here, with no attempts made to patch it. The dust was heavier than ever, as though this circle was intentionally avoided. The powder rose as they stepped down, choking her.

“I-it looks ab-abandoned,” Mer said, coughing.

“It more or less is. As I said earlier, those community votes never materialized. Neither did whatever parties they thought would be thrown here. Nobody comes here, now; not even the children.”

“So why did we come this way?”

Bryn paused, directly in the center of the circle. The center of the plaza was set with a round marble plaque, a compass rose engraved on its white, polished surface. Looking out, Mer didn’t see houses and empty roads, but rays shooting off of a great glowing sun, leading to all points of the crepuscular cavern.

“I always thought it was beautiful,” Bryn said simply, releasing Mer’s arm, sliding his fingers into hers, leading her away."

So I guess that's it! Obviously I've cut bits out of the above selection, which is why it doesn't flow so well as it ought. I didn't want to give you all 1,139 words, however! Oh, and speaking of, today I broke 80k!

...yes, I'm going to keep celebrating all of these silly milestones. Every 10k, every 25k, and any other fun ones I can throw in there. No, evidently I'm not getting tired of fluffing my own feathers.

Aite dawgs, time for me to peace! Audi!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 80,512
Writing Mode: Satisfied. Also, my migraine seems to be in remission, so woot!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

(That's What SHE Said)

Phew, decent writing day. 1,122 words, and that's after eating nothing but one of those fiber one mini granola bars and 3 jelly beans ALL DAY. Spoiler alert: I'm starving.

Anyway, today was another fun writing day, though not as productive as yesterday. Today I wrote in a new character, who will be pretty minor in this book but will have a bigger role in the second (gasp! did she just say second?!). Then I got into the politics of the Dissenters, which has been so fun.

I've only just skimmed the surface in today's writing, but more will become clear (painfully clear) throughout the next chapter or so. Basically, however, this is what is going on: the setting for this story, as I think I've said before, is basically a not-so-distant future where American politics, business, and religion have all fused as one. It's a terrible, manipulative, horrible society, and the chip which Bryn & Mer are trying to steal is only the latest in a number of unconscionable actions by the government.

At this point in the story, the only group that seems to be standing up to the government is a rebel faction known only as the Dissenters. Anyone who knows me will know that I have a huge soft spot for rebel factions, and would therefore assume that the Dissenters would be good. Hell, they must be good since they're standing up to Super Gov, right?


The Dissenters are awful. I intensely dislike them...more, even than the gov. Dissenter society is highly communistic, but also hypocritical, controlling, dispassionate, and cruel (so...communist). Jules, Bryn's contact, is the only one I find tolerable...and her only just. It's going to be a very confusing few chapters for Mer, who is going to enter the society and hate it, seeing all of the parallels between it and her own distasteful society. She'll wonder if Bryn really endorses it (of course he doesn't) and if he's really a bad guy after all (of course he's not). Anyway, I got into a bit of that today, and it was highly amusing. I'd keep writing, but 1. I'm almost out of time, and 2. I haven't eaten anything all day and must focus all of my energy on not imploding.

Also, I have a date tonight. I am less than pleased.

On a lighter note, the title of this blog is a reference to the fact that I actually worked a 'that's what s/he said' joke into my writing today! That, and the fact that I'm evidently obsessed with brackets today. I'm sure (am I sure? Today's going by pretty slowly (Ugh, so so painfully slowly! Who knew it could be so long (that's what she said!))) that I'll get over it soon.

Anyway, I'm off to have a terrible date. Wish me luck in surviving. At least we're going to a restaurant with killer tomato soup!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 77,644
Writing Mode: Famished

Monday, August 20, 2012


Just a quick update today, as I only have 13 minutes to type this out, post it, shut everything down, and close up for the day. Yay!

Anyway, Thursday and Friday were terrible writing days. Not because I wasn't inspired, but because I had a huge report to work on, and didn't have any time...and then after work I was rushing around like crazy. Plus I was super out of it...I'm switching jobs and just told my boss...he was really, REALLY upset.

Anyway, the report is done and I'm in a much better mood today, and I managed to pound out 2,033 words! Not too shabby! Take that, Monday!

Anyway, I thought that today was going to be a very difficult writing day. Mer was climbing down into HQ (it'll make sense when you read the story), getting through some doors, etc. Nothing exciting. Yet somehow it turned into a lot of fun, and I got to put in a section of Bryn being...well...Bryn. All in all, a successful writing day.

As for the title of this post, it refers to the way I've been feeling about the story. Sometimes, on difficult writing days, I feel completely detached from my characters. Like I don't know who they are, and don't understand why they're doing what they're doing in a given situation. Most of the time, however--and today in particular--I feel very attached to my characters, and know how each of them will react to things without really needing to analyze it. I have their backgrounds pretty well worked out, and know their personalities, so most of the time it's easy. Today was one of those days :} There are times, however, when trying to figure them out is like trying to teach Q compassion and self-restraint.

Anyway, there's so much more I'd like to get into, but I am out of time! Laters, babes!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 76,508 (woo broke 75k!)
Writing Mode: Reinvigorated!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Little Pretty Prose

Hola children!

I don't really have much time to write here, as I've been working on my book right up to the last moment again. Instead of giving you a proper update, I thought I'd post a little pretty prose that I pounded out. This is actually from yesterday's writing, but I like it so it's what you're getting and you can all be grateful and thank me for it MUAHAHHAA.

^This is why I should never have power.

Anyway, in this scene, Bryn, Mer, Pilot, and Bard are on Pilot's plane, headed for HQ:

"Then they were upon it, shooting down an alley of white beech, the glowing bark like runway lights amidst the darkness of the forest. The path turned slightly, but Pilot was prepared, dipping her other wing and curving through the wood before the alley narrowed once more. Twelve breathless seconds and then they were out, the bottom of the plane sluicing through a cerulean blue pool, kicking up water in robins’ egg waves. The plane skipped like a stone, sliding through the water, looping gracefully until it came to rest beneath arched, obscuring pine branches.

Mer released Bryn’s hand. He shook it, cocking an eyebrow at Mer as he let it flop, useless, from his wrist. Mer smacked the hand, which he snatched back protectively. Mer grinned, then stood, moving to the window. Bryn joined her, and together they surveyed their surroundings.

They were on a lake. Blue water rippled around them, tossed by the early autumnal air. Translucent green leaves danced on gently-waving trees, their tips just tinged with gold. Overhead, grey geese cried grey cries, urging each other on, crying not yet, not yet, not yet.

There were structures in the distance. Wooden shambles, crumbling in on themselves, long forgotten. Their skeletal remains reached towards the sky in supplication, raising their hands with prayers that were never heard.

“It’s beautiful,” Mer said, her spirits descending from the high of the flight. The lake was all citrine and gamboge and azure; but the birds flew above it, and the wind hurried through it, and a melancholy nestled within this oasis from the regulated world.

Mer shifted, unconsciously moving closer to Bryn. Their hands brushed, and she stepped away, not wanting to crowd him. Bryn didn’t move, however. He stood, one hand on the back of his chair, gazing out at their enclosure. Mer drifted back towards him, intentionally, this time. Their hands brushed, and, in a moment of bald courage, she slipped her hand into his. Bryn hesitated, then closed his fingers around her own. They stood, the season falling around them, watching the lake slumber before their eyes."

That was fun to write! If it's not painfully obvious, I am super excited for Fall :D

Anyway, time to head down to the Cock & Bowl for a delicious, delicious Scaldis with friends. Audi!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 74,144
Writing Mode: Satisfied

Death Is Only The Beginning

This isn't an update...just a quick post to note a little problem...

I don't want to kill Pilot. I don't want to kill Pilot. I don't want to kill Pilot.

I don't want to kill Pilot.

She's...glorious. A masterpiece of flaws. I love her. I don't want her dead.

That is all.

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 73,073
Writing Mode: Dreading the inevitable...

P.S. I don't want to kill Pilot

Monday, August 13, 2012

Better Be, With Twinings Tea

Just a quick note before I jet out of work! Was given a simple but long & tedious task at work today, which took up most of my afternoon (not to mention my writing time!). Just managed to squeeze out 515 words...but may try to write more later on tonight. Must still vacuum, cook dinner, eat, take out the trash, take out the recycling, do the cat litter, shower...blah. Overwhelming. But may put off vacuuming (Gasp! The scandal!) to do a bit of writing.

If I don't keel over, that is. Think I'm getting a cold...

Anyway, audi for now, mes peuples. Going to pack up and spend my remaining 5 minutes or so daydreaming about Twinings Tea...

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: Um...whatever it was last 515?
Writing Mode: Inspired but delayed >;{

Friday, August 10, 2012

Passé Punctuation

Phew--just a quick post! Just finished writing for the day, and I only have 5 minutes left until it's time to goooooo!

Anyway, writing today started off slowly, with me struggling to get through another little transition. Once through, however, I got to write some fun, happy dialog--a rare and refreshing thing in this book! Now Bryn & Mer are talking about Pilot, who is a beautiful mess. I need to write her as even brasher and more confident than I have that when she fails it'll be all the more devastating. Hopefully she's coming across the way I see her in my head...but I have a feeling that this section will require some fairly heavy editing.

Oh well. I got 1,295 words done today, so I feel fairly content :D

Anyway, it's FRIDAY and I'm about to head home. A chill evening ahead...unless I venture back out to Truckeroo. And let's be real: there's an ice cream truck there from a place I have not yet tried. Chances are that I'm going back out.

Oh, and I'm integrating interrobangs into my story. I kind of love them.

Peace out, buttercups!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 71,523
Writing Mode: FRIDAYYYYYYYY!!!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Working Magic

Sometimes I am very sad that my Hogwarts acceptance letter went astray.

I know that I would have been a good student: I might not have the best memory for incantations, but I certainly know my way around a wand. Also, Pottermore sorted me into Gryffindor, and I feel sure that my prowess both in the classroom and on the Quidditch pitch would have made my house proud.

Yesterday I was feeling particularly down...there must have been a Dementor lurking about, and Lupin wasn't around to offer me chocolate. I was riding my train back into DC, feeling sorry for myself, trawling facebook and wishing I could do some magic.

That's when I ran across a photo my cousin posted.

It was simple, a chalkboard quote from Carl Sagan. It read: "A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic."


That was exactly what I needed to hear. I returned to work, wrote my piece (1,013 words), and then scurried off for a fun evening hanging with my buddy, going out for yummy dinner and then back to my apartment, where I whipped his sorry ass at pool. I kept thinking about the quote today, and it helped spur me on when I wasn't sure where to go, helping to get me over a small hump and to a unremarkable but respectable 1,079 words.

What was truly magical, however, is that I finally broke seventy thousand words.

It's not one of the big landmarks...twenty-five or fifty or a hundred...but it's more than I ever thought possible, and I'm still going strong.

Don't mean to self-aggrandize...but even if this silly story never is read by a single soul, I'm happy that I'm actually getting it down. I've always wanted to write a novel, and just knowing that I'm well on my way makes life worthwhile.

Anyway, I'm off! Time to go home, feed the cat, go for a walk, and maybe watch a little Star Wars or Neverending Story to recharge. Till tomorrow!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 70,225
Writing Mode: At peace

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Writing is Freedom

Oh, Contrariwise. How I love thee.

For those who do not know, is a site dedicated to literary tattoos. Apart from giving me inspiration for potential tattoos of my own (not yet, I'm still chicken--but someday!) they are very inspiring in general. For example, one person on there had a brilliant tattoo that said: "what makes us happy makes us wise."

What a beautiful sentiment. And, if one has insight and the willingness to learn from one's experiences, probably (mostly) true.

Here's my quote of the day: “Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals.” ~Don Delillo

Anyway, I was on there for all of five minutes and got super inspired. Managed to bang out 1,036 words despite being assigned several tasks from a couple of people here in the office. I'm fairly pleased with that number, and hope I'll be able to top it tomorrow.

I'm sort of cheating at the moment, however: I'm writing about Mer's first flight on the Aureole, and how she meets and befriends my very favorite character, Pilot. Super excited about this whole section. Not only will it clear up a bit about Bryn, and set up Pilot's spectacular fall, but it's just damn fun to write. Lots of pretty descriptions, lots of interesting interactions...and lots of PILOT!

Mer is being a bit mopey at the moment. She (mistakenly) believes that Bryn once had a fling with Pilot, and that he still has feelings for her (boy, I'm liking parentheses right now). Anyway, he and Bard had a fight from which they have just reconciled. Mer, channeling 5th-book Harry Potter, is all angsty about this. This led to my very favorite bit of my writing today:

"Yes, they were all good friends. Bryn was friends with Bard. Bard was friends with Pilot. Pilot was friends with Bryn. They were all loved and in love and unknown and unloved."

Deliciously melodramatic. I'd love to see it up on Contrariwise someday ;}~

Anyway, I guess I'll bugger off for now. I appear to be in the middle of a mild allergic reaction, though I don't think I've been exposed to anything out of the ordinary today. However, I've been scratching my face like crazy, and now itch all over. Even my EYEBALLS itch. Awful. I'm not allergic to almost anything, so I have no idea what it could be. Maybe I got a spider bite or something.

Whatever it is, I'm in misery. Cheerio, mates!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 68,138 (should break 70k this week! Woo, more brackets!)
Writing Mode: HIVEY

Manners Maketh Man

So I've been keeping up with my writing...but sadly neglecting this blog. The trouble is, of course, that I dilly dally in starting my writing (and no longer have the mornings to get into it...troublesome...), get into it midway through the afternoon, and then end up writing until 5 pm on the nose. Then, of course, I bustle off home where I have more than enough housework to keep me there's cooking, and tv, and chasing my cat around, and the occasional excursion with friends. Add to this my Art Class and visits to mum, and the blog sort of falls by the wayside.

Thankfully, the same cannot be said for my writing! Over the past few days I've written 1,178, 963, and 527 words, respectively. Yesterday, obviously, was NOT a good writing day. Not just because I was out of it (and having a terrible, terrible monday), but because people kept sluffing off their work on me. Which is fine, I can do it...but it does cut into writing time.

Anyway, hopefully today will be better. I have a coconut chai tea latte to fortify myself, and the promise of a tequilla sunrise cupcake if I do well. If I don't...well, I won't even consider that possibility.

I shall wrap up for now, else I'll never get my 500 (hopefully 1k) done. Cheers!*

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 67,101
Writing Mode: Hopeful

*While we're on the subject...I think that I'm going to be applying for Oxford once more...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


My GOD have the past two days been difficult for writing! I got a decent amount done (978 today, 959 yesterday), but DAMN it's been like pulling teeth! Which, speaking of, is gonna happen to one of my coworkers tomorrow...which means no teleworking for me. Le sigh.

Anyway, I think that my hormones have a lot to do with it: it's almost that time of the month. You know...

The crimson tide. The red menace. Red rover, red rover, send Aunt Flow on over.

Ugh. Anyway, not there yet (THANK GOD) but it's nearly that time, and I've been feeling fairly wonky. Makes me easily-distractable...though the lack of caffeine certainly doesn't help. MUST make sure I buy some coffee tomorrow...

Anyway, another issue is that I'm struggling to define exactly how the next few chapters should go...I know where I am now and where I need to end up, but my map of the intervening land is very sketchy. Where's Navi when I need her?

Also, this was another slow transition part. By the time I got through it I actually really enjoyed it--especially the end!--but actually putting it down on paper was a bit...painful. But, like I said, I'm very happy with the end of the chapter in I figured I'd share it:


Mer sat up, rubbing her eyes, then turned to shake Bryn as the car began to slow. He grinned sleepily, pushing Mer away and rolling over. “Get up, you lump!”

Mer shook Bryn again, and he curled into a ball, ignoring her. The car began to slow, and Mer unbuckled, slithering into the back seat. She sat on the rest between the two front seats, and tapped Bryn very gently.

“Bryn, Bard says that we’re here…wherever here is. Come on, it’s time to get up.”

Bryn remained curled, a quill-less hedgehog.

“Bryn, we’ve got to go,” Mer cajoled.

Bryn remained unmoved, though he began to shake. Mer thought for one horrible second that he was crying; then she realized that he was shaking with suppressed laughter. This gave Mer an idea. Grinning evilly, she leaned over Bryn’s convulsing back.

“Bryn, this is your final warning,” she murmured, moving into position. “I’ll give you ‘till the count of three.




On ‘three’ Mer pounced, shoving her hands beneath Bryn’s arms, tickling for all she was worth. He yelped, uncurling instinctively. Mer was merciless: she knocked his arms aside, going for the soft underbelly. Bryn pushed away, laughing, trying to get out of range.

“No—haha, stop, Mer! Stop! I hate being tickled! Ah, stop, stop! Let me go!”

“Let her go! This isn’t regulation! This isn’t fucking regulation!”

Mer released Bryn with a gasp, the memory hitting her like a tsunami, crashing over her, pulling her down.


Mer closed her eyes, hugging herself, digging her nails into the flesh of her upper arms. She pushed it down, pushed it all down: the nausea, the fear, the too-recent memory of hands against her skin.

A gentle touch brushed her shoulder. Mer, shadows clearing from her eyes, looked up. Bryn was gazing at her, concern etching across his face.

“Mer, are you ok?”

Mer nodded. “I’m…I’m fine. Just needed to catch my breath.”

Bryn cupped a hand around Mer’s face, one finger resting on her temple as though positioned to siphon out the evil memory.

“Come on,” he said. “Bard’s already halfway across the field, and our next ride is waiting. We’d better get going now that you’re finally awake.”

Bryn winked, reaching across Mer to open her door. She stepped out of the car, Bryn sliding out behind her, bumping into her as she stopped, accosted by what she saw.

Shining and majestic, glittering like Polaris against the dark of the field, was a golden plane.


Okay, okay, I'll be honest: I'm not really excited about the writing, or the characterization, or any of that. I'm excited about that final image...and that I will finally be introducing Pilot!!!

Anyway, time to jet...pun intended. I've got to close up shop, run to feed Draco, and then put enough power steering fluid in my car to (hopefully) get me all the way down to Woodbridge and back. Banzai!

Working Title: Bryn & Mer: Nosce Te Ipsum
Word Count: 64,419
Writing Mode: Red at night, sailors' delight. Red in morning, sailors take warning. Code red! Eric the Red! What do you call a PMSing Literature major? Well-red.*

*I made this joke up. Steal it, and I will bleed on you.